UPS Controlled by Computer

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This Project I made for the people who want there computer be on and performing the required tasks unattended.
It will hibernate the computer when the power outage and will resume back when it comes back.(a UPS ofcourse is necessary to hold the computer for about a minute or two).

For details & full hardware and source code information you may visit
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for the ups that doesn't have

This is for the ups that donot have the serial port, I have seen some Chinese UPS that do not have this sort of communication system.
Infact the kits of UPS that are available on the internet or in the shops that also don't have any port to communicate.

Anyways thanks for the reply.
Depends on the country and quality of the UPS. An APC brand UPS is not that expensive here in North America and has a communications port.
Also the drivers are built into most operating systems plus give you mains voltage indication & battery status.
It would probably cost as much if not more to add communications to a cheap UPS than to buy a decent UPS with a comm port.
Thread for Non Americans

I didn't know that this forum is only dedicated for the Americans.
Let other read as well.
I was just a suggestion I am not asking for any payments to get to the link.

Thanks for help.
It's not, it's worldwide but since you didn't post your location in your profile it's anybody's guess as to where you are.
An APC 420 VA UPS with RS232 is only $59 CDn new.
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I'm sure a Chinese knockoff would be even less.

PS I couldn't find a link to the UPS project on your site. Can you post a direct link?
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I didn't know that this forum is only dedicated for the Americans.
Let other read as well.
I was just a suggestion I am not asking for any payments to get to the link.

Thanks for help.
While commenting about nationality of a forum, please let us also know where you are from. I feel that you are able to contact us as the site had no reservations of that kind.
For example, i need not do it as you can just find it across. perhaps Bill is talking about North America, as he was referring to APC make UPS.
BTW, there are Chinese UPSs with communication facilities. May be the models you saw did not have them

It is nice that you did design for a communication link for the UPS for auto control of computer and with added facilities. all the best
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you got it right

I believe the guess should be non-american if its a worldwide forum.

And yes you answered it yourself, chinese is lot more cheaper then those APCs with almost the same reliability and potential. Port are available in them as well but they produce both models, with the ones having port is a bit more expensive than otherwise. so for that you can save money.

being a member of a forum doesn't mean that everyone want to have 6k irrelevant replies. If you have something imp to say I would love to reply but not otherwise.

So Thank you for keeping me busy.

btw link is
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under the name 'UPS Project on AVRFreaks'
LOL well that's useless, your link on AVR-Freaks simply points back to your link on your site. And you complained about us wasting your time

A schematic would be nice.
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