Urgent Advice Needed?

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Do you know any chips that is
BCD to 7 segment Converter (preferably with Latch)
The output for 9 and 6 must have tails. This rules out CD4511.
I just don't understand why the heck did they remove the tails from 6 and 9, too silly. Its just looks like damaged display when the tail is missing!
I believe the 7447 is a BCD to 7-segment converter. I suggest you look into that one.
Good luck!
Der Strom
Thanks JIMB. Yeah, the Chip is a real hardcore BCD to 7-segment decoder. No side jobs. Holy cow, it has three NC pins.

I found MC14513 this to be more useful (with Latch)
MC14513 filetypedf - Google

I am trying to do Display multiplexing using not-powerful uC (PIC16f676) . So, I thought the one with the Latch will be more beneficial for Higher Display brightness and less flickering.
But if I can get CA3161 in much lower price then may be I will go with it.
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