urgent help required! RGB & water pumps music activated!

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Dear members,

i have a project to deliver next week. it concerns an amplifier that feeds music (jack pin) to a small fountain that i have to design.

i have started working on it and found out that the required main components are LM914 and

LM2907 to make the RGB controler using 3 seperate 555 timers (for each color) and pumps to get

activated one on low level and the other at a high level or both of them at high level...do i need a

half bridge for the pumps for safety?

i am confused abt the pin link between the components . and the RGB signal control alimentation...

i may seem lost in my words...because i have been working for like a week i need some help...

really appreciate quick feedbacks!!
Can you specify your requirements in more detail?
We need to know at least:-
Is the amp output at standard line level?
What are you using the LM914 and LM2907 for exactly?
Can you post a schematic of your set-up using them?
Are the lights to be contolled according to frequency or volume?
What voltage/current do the pumps require?
What voltage/current for the lights?
What power supply will you be using?
do i need a half bridge for the pumps
Unless the pumps are reversible (??) I don't see why a half bridge might be used.
i am confused abt the pin link between the components
Check the manufacturers' datasheets for component pin-outs.
the general purpose is to connect a jack to a music device and when music is played, the RGB led should change color with the rythm of the music (frequency) the rgb led would require 3 555 pwm (one for each pin ("R" "G" "B") )
and also 2 pumps would throw water one at low frequency and other at high frequency. i have found the LM2907 to be frequency to voltage converter therefore the input is in frequency but the pumps and led would react to that voltage going out of the lm2907. the lm3914 gives 10 output stages leveled (the case for the pumps) for example at led 3 the first pump would start and at led 6 the 2nd would start.
regarding the amperage, i have found small fans to replace the pumps for lower amperage, i have got 2 fans of 12v. 1,2w. fans would blow foam bits inside a transparent bowl.
is the idea more clear?
IMO you'll need an amp with band-pass filtering for rhythm detection.
An LM2907 normally expects a clean single-frequency input. I'm not sure it will give a useful output if fed with composite music frequencies.
First you say the pumps would react to the LM2907 output, then you refer to the LM3914 in connection with the pumps, then you refer to fans to replace the pumps
is the idea more clear?
Not to me, unfortunately. Perhaps someone else understands you intentions better
Hey! Ur right abt the pump/fan subject...but i had the idea recently to avoid amperage problems...
Regarding the rgb controled via music, whats the design that u suggest?
Really appreciate ur help! Thanks!
I believe you were thinking a LM3914 as there is no LM914 I am aware of.

Along the lines of Alec's thinking I suggest you run a Google of "Color Organ Circuits". Many are mains powered but there are some low voltage DC variations out there using MOSFETS and BJT transistors to drive RGB LEDs. The hard On/Off of the pumps could likely be controlled using a comparator circuit beyond the LEDs. The color organ circuits give you the band pass filtering Alec mentions.

You are implying to change the 555 pwm with mosfets and bjts?for every color its own control like the case of the 555 pwm?

What I was suggesting was based on the above post. Sounds like you want to run audio into the device. The audio signal consist of for example bass, midrange and high frequencies. You mention RGB so let's say Red, Green and Blue. With what I am suggesting is the Red for example would respond to the bass frequencies, the Green to the midrange and the Blue to the treble or high frequencies. A good color organ circuit will have 3 or 4 or more channels with each channel responding to a range of frequencies. The intensity of the LEDs is a function of how much volume drives them. This link is a good example of what I think you may want. Note how the bandpass filters work. There are 3 and 4 channel pre built as well as kits as well as roll your own circuits out there for color organs.

As to the fountains you mentioned? I am not sure where you want to go with that. However, the circuit seen in the link could also drive a small comparator circuit so when any frequency exceeded a preset level it would turn a pump on and off. Depends on what you have n mind for pumps.

I could also be totally not seeing what you are looking for.

hello brothers, i'm helping patrick to make the project and we did a good research and we advanced well ... now we have a little problem, but with the last answer of reloadron we can finish.

the idea of the project it's like the video attached (forget the pumps and use the fans as shown in the video)

@ roloadron in the example that you show us he use MC33204 and TS921, can we replaced this with LM324 and lm741 respectively??

as for the fans controled via music also, do we connect a parallel band pass filter (high and low)? will it work? (we only need two fans). If we going to use your example circuit, we are going to remove the LM3914, and to move the 2 fans we are going to use transistor switching to get more power

the block diagram will be like this

MIC --- Pre-amp and amp --- LM2917 (required by Instructor) --- RGB (Output 1)

--- Fans (Output 2)

thanks and we appreciate your fast reply
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Hello?! Anybody there?! Bakhosm made the concept clear...looking forward for quick assistance cos of deadline issues...
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