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Can a car battery through electromagnetism generate a magnetic field enough to repel a 3500lbs material? If it can how. If you have the electronic schematics I will appreciate it too. Thanks
No, a magnet will attract magnetic material not repel it. The large electro magnets used in junk yards to pick up and separate materials have large generators powering them. Now if you have two magnets then like poles repel and unlike poles attract. Anyway, to answer your question, no.

I am talking about like poles repelling. Can a car battery power enough electromagnet to repel alike magnetic pole weighing about 3500lbs
i dont know the answer to your question, but i am intrigued as to why you would want to do this...
This mystery 3500lbs will do one of two things:
1) If it is not magnetic, it will be attracted.
2) If it is magnetic, it will flip over, then be attracted.

Possible) If you held it one way round, and witheld the massive twisting force, yes, it is possible it could be repelled.

No, looking at the current required (times two for two electro magnets) I doubt you would get the needed current from a car battery. You are looking at better than one Tesla for each magnet. I may be off on this but the large cranes used in junk yards use a one Tesla electro magnet and those single magnets have a generator on the crane just to power them. Do you have any idea what cost are involved in winding such a powerful magnet? Not to mention the weight of the magnet?

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