urgent HELP!!

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urgent HELP!!converting to assembly code

//can anyone help me convert it to PIC 18 assembly code? Thank you!!//

#include <16F877A.h>
#device adc=10
#use delay(clock=20000000)
#define use_portb_lcd TRUE

#byte porta=5
#byte portb=6

#include <lcd.c>

long int read_val;
int val1, val2;

void main()

set_tris_b(0x00); // Config PORTA 1st pin as I/p


read_val = read_adc(); // Read 0th channel
read_val = read_val/2;
val1 = read_val/10;
val2 = read_val%10;
val1 = val1 + '0';
val2 = val2 + '0';
lcd_gotoxy (1,2);
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PIC18 assembly code?

This is CCS C code. If you have the IDE, you can view corresponding assembly code by clicking the ASM list button in the compile tool bar. (I assume that u want the assembly code for the above C code)
cause i dun hav this IDE software. can anyone convert it to assembly code then post it here again please? really appreciate, thanks...
read_val = read_adc();
read_val = read_val/2;
val1 = read_val/10;
val2 = read_val%10;
val1 = val1 + '0';
val2 = val2 + '0';

can anyone plz tell wat these means?
What are you trying to read through ADC channel? I mean what is the input?
read_val = read_adc(); means read the input analog signal and the digital value will be stored in read_val variable.
read_val/2 is divide the number by 2. Why divide by 2? It can be understood only when you will tell us what is the input to the ADC channel?
read_val/10 gives you the tens digit of the value to be displayed on LCD.
read_val%10 gives you the ones digit to be displayed.
To display on LCD, you need to send a character code for each of these numbers. 48 is the code value for displayin '0', 49 for '1', 50 for '2', and so on. So I think, the last two lines are there for the same reason. I would say, val1 = val1 + 48;
val2 = val2 + 48; should equally work, I am not sure though how it works in CCS.

- Raj
Experiments with PIC16F628A
Full assembly code is attached below. Good luck


  • pic16F877aADC_ETC.asm
    17 KB · Views: 120
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