URGENT: PIC16F877A Hex Files

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who had a PIC16F877A hex file? I need it to boot in my PIC...

*im using Microcode Studio Plus

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If you are asking for the ICD Model you will need to buy that. We do not rip of software here. Anything else you can download from their site. Have you see Swordfish Basic. Special Edition (SE), it only supports the 18F's. But they are much like 16F's but with more memory.
actually im new on this project...

can u give me or share any tutorial for using this PIC or a PIC programming for PIC16F877A?
ApoKalypse said:
actually im new on this project...

can u give me or share any tutorial for using this PIC or a PIC programming for PIC16F877A?

Look at the tutorial links at the bottom of this post.

12/16F series OR 18F series PIC's
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