Urgent, relay problem, please help

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I am using PIC 16F877A digital output pins to energise/deenergise 4 relays. But i wonder even i output high to only a pin connected to a relay (because i want one relay ON, all other OFF), all 4 relays will be energised all together. May i know what is the problem? urgent.. Thank you.
1. Are you driving the relays directly from the PIC without transistors??
2. Test the hardware , make one of the pins high (remove the PIC before doing this), then see what happens?

Thanks much arunb, Gayan Soyza, and Sceadwian, i get this circuit from web **broken link removed** . The circuit is as attached except i replace 820R as 4700 ohm and BC141 as BD237 and my relay is 5Vdc unlike the 12V, so i supply the relays 5V. and Arunb, i do connect to transistors and code as attached and when i make one of the pins high (5V) ie without the PIC, all the 4 relays ON also as long as there is 5V supply to relays. So, i can say my relays such like not controlled by the program. Can point me a way coz i have been headache and urgent trying this all whole night and today afternoon.


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I don't see any obvious problem, the circuit looks good, and the code looks like it waits 1 second after turn on then cycles through each relay after a 5 second wait.
Supposed to be all on one line?
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Try changing #byte portb=6
to #byte portb=0x06

Don't know if it'll make a difference.
Yes Gayan, it's needed, it defines the portb I/O address start as 0x06 without that the compiler doesn't know where portb is.
Ya, thanks everyone here. I checked the transistor polarity ad, it is not wrong, cz when i purposely reversed the polarity for all 4 transistors, the circuit didn't respond at all. What seems to be the prob? and may i ask if i connect 10 relays to the PIC, cn PIC support so many relays? Pls....
I see nothing wrong with your circuit either. Are you at least able to turn on an off your relay with your PIC (all at once, even if you can't control them individually?) Or are they just always on, all the time if there is power?

The PIC can support as many relays as it can provide base current for the transistors for. At 6mA base current per transistor, you are at your maximum for the PIC. If you used MOSFETs you could get a lot more since MOSFET take much less control current than BJTs.
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