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US led coalition against Libyan Gov. forces & Gadhafi

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Well-Known Member
This issue of the US taxpayers footing the cost to lob cruise missles into Libya steams me. No clear-cut statement about the mission objectives, no approval or discussion with Congress, and Obama is traveling the world on other issues, some of it fun. The Arab League has raised an eyebrow on the possibility of the coalition removing Gadafi. Here we go again, putting our soldiers and equipment into harms way "policing" the world. The coalition doesn't even have solid information if some of the rebels being assisted have ties with militant or terrorist groups. I know darn well the US is the serpent's head of the coalition. We provide the primary muscle and much of the logistics to the operation. Why isn't the Arab League's miitary involved... or taking the lead on this?

So, from past history, it would appear that everytime some tyrant or unwelcomed dictator goes too far, we find it necessary to remove them by military force or some other method of meddling in international affairs. :mad: :mad: :mad:
I know exactly what you mean, HiTech. I don't understand why the U.S. had to get involved in the first place. Not to offend any veterans, but that is where we went wrong with the Vietnam war--It was none of our business and there was no reason, that I can think of, why we went over there in the first place. I can see this Libyan situation going the same way--hundreds, if not thousands of U.S. troops killed for no particular reason. And supposedly, according to Barak Obama, Gadhafi is not an actual target--Who believes that??? I think this is just one of those things that the U.S. should have stayed out of.
How did a "no fly zone" turn into bomb anything that moves. I guess those tanks got too far of the ground.

The military action in Libya is a United Nations sanctioned operation, not a United States operation.

The posters so far have not mentioned the French, Italians, British and other countries armed forces who are working on behalf of the UN.

It seems that some have very short memories when it comes to history.

If Hitler had been 'sorted out' in the mid 1930's, its possible that some 6 million Jewish people would have been spared the horror of concentration camps, not to mention over 20 million Russians and another 24 million people who died as a result of WW2.

More recently the genocide in old Yugoslavia,Bosnia and Serbia which the UN forces fought and died for in order to protect innocent peoples.

As far as am aware there is no UN resolution to put in ground troops.

Intially at the start of WW2, the United States wanted to stay neutral, I didnt have a problem with that, but it did not give them any security by being isolationist. ie: Pearl Harbour.

If any of you think I am anti American, I will take you the United States war memorial in Cambridge where 50,000 Americans lay, they gave their lifes so that WE all could live in freedom.

Its a debt I will always remember and honour.
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I'm all for the US staying out of the Mid East and near territories, as long as that means totally out. That includes out of Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, The UAE, Kuwait, Qatar, Yemen, the Balkands, Egypt, Palistane and especially, Israel.
The military action in Libya is a United Nations sanctioned operation, not a United States operation.

The posters so far have not mentioned the French, Italians, British and other countries armed forces who are working on behalf of the UN.

It seems that some have very short memories when it comes to history.

If Hitler had been 'sorted out' in the mid 1930's, its possible that some 6 million Jewish people would have been spared the horror of concentration camps, not to mention over 20 million Russians and another 24 million people who died as a result of WW2.

More recently the genocide in old Yugoslavia,Bosnia and Serbia which the UN forces fought and died for in order to protect innocent peoples.

As far as am aware there is no UN resolution to put in ground troops.

Intially at the start of WW2, the United States wanted to stay neutral, I didnt have a problem with that, but it did not give them any security by being isolationist. ie: Pearl Harbour.

If any of you think I am anti American, I will take you the United States war memorial in Cambridge where 50,000 Americans lay, they gave their lifes so that WE all could live in freedom.

Its a debt I will always remember and honour.

Eric, God bless for saying that. My grandfather was laid to rest somewhere in France during WWII. I plan to visit his grave some day if I can find him.
Maybe it's just me but, would anyone agree that the world economy is playing a role in this. Libya has sweet crude very rich and worth protecting. Oil market rise and fall and the world economy moves to that beat. Don't think they will not put troops on the ground if it only escalate in more violence.

If Gadhafi has his troopes light the wells up or damage them. It might not take long for a short and quick response.
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Gadhafi has been running the show over there for several decades, how much longer does he have anyway? Why all the sudden a rebellion? I'm thinking we've been fueling the fire over there for a while, seems like there have been unusual number of countries over there, like Egypt, that want a 'change', as our president campaigned. Doesn't really seem right to get involved in a rebellion, at this point. Maybe when it spills over the borders, or mass killings. But it was the rebels against the government, and it should have been left alone. Lots of countries have rebellions, even America.

We picked a side, we got involved, will be in it to the end. And we will be sending billions of tax dollars over there to help all the innocent people get started on their new democracy. Personally, I'm starting to get a little worried about what we are doing over there. We aren't exactly welcome by the Muslims, and we are really starting to crowd their neighborhood. There are peaceful Muslims, and terrorist Muslims, and we are kind of proving the case for the bad ones. Some of those countries have nuclear weapons, or the capacity to produce them. A nuclear power plant is a scary place to play war near. Looks like Japan is losing their battle to control their damaged reactors. They lose one, the rest will follow.

Have to re-read the Book of Revelations, some of this stuff is kind of reminding me of something. Have to see if there are any clear close ups, of the back of Obama's head, see if there's a mark...
Have to re-read the Book of Revelations, some of this stuff is kind of reminding me of something. Have to see if there are any clear close ups, of the back of Obama's head, see if there's a mark...

You know, I was thinking the same thing--about the book of Revelations, anyway. You know the conspiracy of why Obama won't show his birth certificate, don't you? Some people believe he was born in June of 1966! :p
Could be worse. It might have been McCain then we would be in the middle of them all.
hi Harvey,
I think whats pi**ed the Lybian people off is the fact that Gadhafi intends to appointment his Son as his successor.!

Same thing that has happened in North Korea and what was planned for Egypt, fortunately the Egyptian people had the balls to do something about it.

I don't understand why you are Obama bashing over Lybia, he keeps stating he dosn't want the States to take the lead in the Lybian campaign.

Democracy dosn't carry a 'Made in the USA' sticker....:)
hi Harvey,
I think whats pi**ed the Lybian people off is the fact that Gadhafi intends to appointment his Son as his successor.!

Same thing that has happened in North Korea and what was planned for Egypt, fortunately the Egyptian people had the balls to do something about it.

I don't understand why you are Obama bashing over Lybia, he keeps stating he dosn't want the States to take the lead in the Lybian campaign.

Democracy dosn't carry a 'Made in the USA' sticker....:)

Eric, you simply are awesome... :)
Some people just like to complain, yet these same people do little to nothing to make changes. What contribution are they making to better this world? My guess, nothing....
Eric Gibbs,

I'm well aware of the coalition, however the initial strategic phase of the operation has most definitely been led by the US military. We sent more cruise missles and air strikes in than any other country, followed by Britain. Despite approval to a point from the Arab League, it's the appearance of an American led coalition to the Muslim community. And now it's going to be the appearance of a "hit 'n run" America as we step back and hand the reins over to possibly France or whomever. I agree with most of what HarveyH42 said. As for Hitler and 6 million unfortunate Jews, that's a time when the world was different. Hitler didn't stop with eliminating Jews, he was trying to take over entire nations; that's far from a group of rebels wanting to oust their dictatorial leadership. It's one thing to supply rebels with a just cause, the means and armament to try and succeed and yet another thing to go in and do the job for them. Heck, the USSR backed ill-regimes over decades!
i learned everything i need to know about Libyans from the film "back to the future" staring M.J. Fox.
according to the film, they drive VW buses, they cruise around suburban America with AK47's, they shout a lot, and they have lots of plutonium which they don't know what to do with.
Eric Gibbs,

I'm well aware of the coalition, however the initial strategic phase of the operation has most definitely been led by the US military. We sent more cruise missles and air strikes in than any other country, followed by Britain. Despite approval to a point from the Arab League, it's the appearance of an American led coalition to the Muslim community. And now it's going to be the appearance of a "hit 'n run" America as we step back and hand the reins over to possibly France or whomever. I agree with most of what HarveyH42 said. As for Hitler and 6 million unfortunate Jews, that's a time when the world was different. Hitler didn't stop with eliminating Jews, he was trying to take over entire nations; that's far from a group of rebels wanting to oust their dictatorial leadership. It's one thing to supply rebels with a just cause, the means and armament to try and succeed and yet another thing to go in and do the job for them. Heck, the USSR backed ill-regimes over decades!

The same could also be said if this country if we were to be embroiled in a take over conflict; led by armed leaders trying to overthrow this Government. The UN may well back someone whom we would not consider to be the right choice.

The News is reporting that the Leadership backing the take over is calling for more strikes to keep them back. I have a hard time believing the News Agency's on the report.

But, the world with a good leader for Lybia would be a welcome offering. Unfortunately the Arab opposition will never allow it. They will remove them or have them assassinated as long as their is no protection. Believe me I really don't think France has it in them to continue the pressure if we give them the opportunity. They will have to look at the result if they don't. Which is allowing the opposition to the War in Iraq and Afghanistan full activism with revived inspiration and support from Pakistan and Iran. This will further inflame the situation in Iran and Afghanistan. If our current President removes our Troops from the region which will result in a complete take over of the Taliban.
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Primary target is the Libyan oil resources ;)..who the hell not aware of that?

history would certainly suggest that to be the case.

It seems that some have very short memories when it comes to history.

i'd call it 'selective memory' for the most part.

If Hitler had been 'sorted out' in the mid 1930's, its possible that some 6 million Jewish people would have been spared the horror of concentration camps, not to mention over 20 million Russians and another 24 million people who died as a result of WW2.

i'm afraid that you've gone and proven godwin's law far too early in this thread. to just go ahead and compare gadhafi to hitler is quite a stretch and in my opinion it does very little to honour the people who died in wwii. it may actually do the opposite for some people.

Maybe it's just me but, would anyone agree that the world economy is playing a role in this. Libya has sweet crude very rich and worth protecting. Oil market rise and fall and the world economy moves to that beat. Don't think they will not put troops on the ground if it only escalate in more violence.

and who should be the ones laying claim to these resources? the libyans maybe? a post-colonial mindset seems to be a tough sell even these days.

Personally, I'm starting to get a little worried about what we are doing over there. We aren't exactly welcome by the Muslims, and we are really starting to crowd their neighborhood.

seems pretty accurate to me.
one might take (NATO member) turkey's position on the matter into account also.

I think whats pi**ed the Lybian people off is the fact that Gadhafi intends to appointment his Son as his successor.!

but of course, since the suadi arabian dynastic regime is a western ally, they needn't be comparable.

Democracy dosn't carry a 'Made in the USA' sticker....:)

the words "iraq" and "unilateral" spring to mind.

Have to re-read the Book of Revelations, some of this stuff is kind of reminding me of something. Have to see if there are any clear close ups, of the back of Obama's head, see if there's a mark...

no offense, but i think that whoever wrote that must have been having quite the psychotic episode, or been really stoned, or both.
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