USB DAC using PCM1792?

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I just found a couple of these in my junk box, and I would like to build a USB DAC with them.

These things are worth over $15 a pop!

As far as I can tell, I will need some sort of intermediate controller/interface between the DAC and the USB port. Would it be possible to use a microcontroller to do this? And if so, I have no idea what code to write

Ideas are greatly appreciated!
You'll need something between either of those USB-serial converters to interface to the DAC, as you mentioned in your original post. Those converters will not connect to the DAC appropriately, nor will they provide an appropriate MCLK, BCLK, LRCLK, synchronised data or provide a continuous jitter-free data stream.

The interface could be made with a microcontroller, CPLD, FPGA... depending on what sample rate you're expecting, the choice of hardware might change also.

The software on the PC - if you're going to use a USB-serial converter - will have to open the port and send data down it. You'll need a custom program to use your DAC (ie it won't turn up as a sound card to your OS, unless you write a driver for it).
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