USB Flush mount

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I want to mount USB sockets as charger points at a few points in my car.
Some places I want 2 or more quite close together

I've tried looking for panel mount USB and I either find the ones that have two big screws either side - but require you to cut a perfect sized USB hole or round ones that just look plain ugly.

I was also thinking of some sort of USB hole shaped grommet to cover up the ragged edged hole I know I will create!

Can anyone tell me how I can make a nice USB hole?
And mount a USB socket behind it without screws showing?

It all has to be quite robust as the users may be a little ham fisted
What material are you making the holes in? Metal? Fibre-board? Sheet plastic? What thickness (which could determine whether the sockets can be attached at the rear or have to be fixed from the front)?
I know of these...

The links return the first page of a search - is there a particular one you mean?
I ask because they are all either round (and therefore bulky and ugly ) or they require a perfect hole cutting

Wait a sec - I just looked more closely and saw these:

Now I'm just going to be mean - a tenner each - for a USB socket - come on!
(I understand I am now being unreasonable - but I'd rather it only cost a couple of quid)
(I just looked closer - this will still require me to cut a hole )

Nibblers will do a pretty good job making a hole.

I have never managed to make a clean hole - I realise this is a failing in me but even with nibblers and in plastic I will get a ragged edge

If these holes are on or near the dash they will be visible to me - and even if others are less critical they will annoy me.

So, are there any cheap, good quality through hole usb sockets that an inept monkey can apply yet still achieve a professional look?

Let's do the easy ones first:

A round hole up to about 1/2 an inch in plastic and then larger ones.

Bet your using the wromg bit?

Practice, Practice and Practice.

1. Procedure is to locate the hole and center punch it. Best to use an automatic center punch.
For precise work, use an optical center punch. I don't have the latter. With an automatic center punch, you can set the amout of force you get with a press. If you don't use the center punch the bit WILL wander.

2. Use Pilot point or bullet bit, e.g. these:,default,pd.html?ref=froogle&origin={adtype}&zmam=31282435&zmas=47&zmac=478&zmap=dewndw1956

The first bit you use should be able to center the next bit.

Drills in thin material make triangular holes.

3. Drill a tiny locating hole. 1/8" or less with a variabe speed drill.

4. Any other large size holes use a Unibit: once you make a large enough hole to accept the tip of the Unibit.

The Unibit is best used with a drill press. It can grab the material, so be carefull.

5. If you need lubercation, use dish soap and a little bit of water.

Nice recangular holes are going to be a lot tougher. These instructions are for smaller holes and not say a 4" x 4" cut out.

The Unibit, Nibbler and a file. Start with a nicely scribed edge and be carefull not to overextend your mark.
Find the center using lines between the corners. Drill as above, with a round hole.

Now you can drill the corners and use a hand coping saw. The drills in the corner have to be placed exactly right. The coping saw can be threaded through a hole and attached to the saw. Cut some distance away and file or nibble the edges.

Again, practice.

Enlarge the hole with a Nibbler and a file. If at all possible, use a clamped scrap straight edge.
Let's do the easy ones first...

Thanks for the patient explanations.

I realise I need to improve my skills - but until then I want a foolproof solution.

If I'm going to cut a hole in my dash or centre console, a bad hole will stand out forever - and a really bad hole might require me to buy a new panel (!!)

I'm genuinely surprised there are no 'usb hole' grommets on the market - perhaps I'm looking in the wrong place.

There are a number of panel mount usb connectors out there - some with 2 screws to hold them in place - I'd have thought a mini plastic panel with the appropriate holes (for the usb connector and the screws) would be quite a seller. Perhaps I should make one of these myself

Thanks again
Here's a suggestion, you could use some of these things, either 'as is' or just the plastic case and run your own wires to whatever. Looks like you'd only need a largish round hole.
I found them by typing 'car usb' into eBay. I have also seen similar in the cheap shops.


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