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Looking to use ArduinoDroid on a Moto G9 Play phone but seems it does not have OTG built in (?) so we need to use an OTG adapter between the phone and Arduino.

However there seems to be two such devices on the market, a short cable and a connector adapter as shown in the pic, but the prices are very different ?

Are they really doing the same thing , could we use the cheaper one ? gather they use some internal resistors to activate the OTG function ?


  • 000898.jpg
    51.5 KB · Views: 253
I think OTG support is hardware / software ability. If yours phone does not support it at stock firmware, than its shame. It will not work.
BUT!!! I dont know, I think... Thats huge difference i could be wrong.
No resistors, otg functionality is created by shorting 2 pins together in the min-usb connector. Basically you would normally have 4 pins, 0v, D+, D-, Vcc (I might have got D+ & D- mixed up but no matter). In the mini/micro connectors you have an extra pin which normally isn't used. However for otg this pin is connected to (I think) 0v. So the adapter is very, very easy to implement. Look on the 'net, you'll see a few projects to make your own
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