There are traces on both sides of the board, so you may not be able to see what goes to pin 39. I suspect the PGC signal goes to one of the jumpers first, and from there is goes to pin 39. You have to find where the PGC line does go to first, before starting to solder any jumpers....
Please disregard my previous posting #59,because all those pins are not involved in the PICkit 3 operation. I had avery close look at the board, PGC has no connection to pin 39. The connection test with an ohm-meter gas proven this.
I decided to return the item to Amazon, since I want to be able to program not only 28 pin PIC devices. The PGC connection would have to be set with a jumper depending on the PIC size.
I decided to return the item to Amazon.
Maybe this combo would serve the purpose for me.
The connecting trace from PGC to pin 39 on the solder side of the adapter is clearly visible.
Any comments are welcome.
I bought a similar sort of ZIF board, but it was incredibly complicated to set it for the different devices - like yours is. So I built my own, it has three different connections for a PICKit, 18 pin, 8/14/20 pin, and 28/40 pin - you just plug the PICKit on the correct connector. The example in the picture has a 28 pin ZIF, and is the one I use at work.
My only flaw was not making the holes for the ZIF large enough - I based them on a ZIF socket I already had, but when the ones I ordered arrived, the pins were too large for the holes - so I had to drill them out.
My only flaw was not making the holes for the ZIF large enough - I based them on a ZIF socket I already had, but when the ones I ordered arrived, the pins were too large for the holes - so I had to drill them out.
Same here, except I filed the ZIF pins smaller , it's also only designed for the 12,16 & 18F PICs so only has one jumper setting that needs to be changed, oh and the 18 pin marker is one hole too low
Years ago, I got a ZIF adapter to PK3 programmer from joshua1systems (e.g., ). That seller has been around for awhile and is US based. One needs to set jumpers (not jumper leads) to map the ICSP pins of the MCU to the ICSP pins of the programmer. It worked fine. but I switched to solderable breadboards and haven't used it since.
Jumper leads can also work, but be careful of the length. I made an adapter board for a 3M SOIC-8 burn-in socket to a PICStart Plus programmer. It wouldn't work with leads more than 6" to 8 " long.
I bet there’s nothing wrong with it just the chip placed wrong or the jumpers se wrong it’s an easy task to hook a dmm on the clock pin and check plus why not show how the. OP
Had his chip