usb PIC Programmers circuit diagram

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New Member
hey,i need a usb pic program circuit diagram.. bcz in ma laptop i hvnt any serial port or parallel port.. so i want build circuit for connected pic into usb port n programm it.. so if any one hv a circuit diagram for usb PIC Program pls let me know.. specially i want to program pic 16f84.. thanks!!!
These modern days , if you want to contimue with PIC and its programming, there is nothing to beat PICKIT2 or its near clones Like JUNEBUG witha tutor incoporated. The info for
PICKIT2 can be had from silicon components
and the June bug kit at blueroomelectronics - Smart Kits Build Smart People

Most other things are either impracticable or keep you busy repaing the programmer while you need is to learn or use PICs.
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Let me guess: You live in India and can't mail-order anything. This forum gets this question constantly.

Try to get a Microchip PICkit 2. Here's a better picture.

You could also get a PICkit 2 clone like the excellent Blueroom Electronics . They ship worldwide.

You could build a Junebug (or just the programmer section) from the schematic in the , but you would need to get the PIC 18F2550 programmed somehow. It's a chicken & egg problem - you need a PIC programmer (just one time) to make your PIC programmer work.
We could order on Net. the cost escalates due to international courier. I was infact suggesting some firm to have a deal with Blueroom so that the items could be had in India at Rupee payment as an educational item.

Harshana can always get a 16F84A. more easily than 16F84 as on date.

Many students, after a 2 project work abandon the whole thing as the purpose is over. By the way, the silicon components is an Indian distributer for Microchip based at Mumbai, Delhi and Bangalore and sells PICKIT@ on rupee payment.
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