USB PIC programming

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A usb programmer like the pickit2 or clone ls the way i would go
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Your question is a little ambiguous and could have two meanings and so I will answer both,

1. A USB programmer such as a PicKit2 or clone.
2. A bootloader on the chip as used by the UBW.

Thanks Pommie number 2 is the one more suitable to me.

If I buy the product do I need to download or install any other drivers and software to my computer or other things to the pic on the UBW board?
I built a UBW a ways back. The only thing you need to buy is the UBW itself. The drivers can be downloaded or already exist in XP and Vista. Do not recall which.

The UBW or other bootloader based system can not create a bootloader on another chip. You only have the one chip to work with and it has no debug.

With a PICkit2 or clone you can program any number of chips. If you intent is to write programs I strongly suggest you use this option.

It still takes both you have to load the boot loader with a programmer like the pickit2
You may find some one that will sell you a chip with the boot loader on it.
UBW kits include a programmed chip. has 8 and 32 bit versions as kits and ready to run.

EDIT: They can be used with programs other then the UBW firmware.
I didn't think they still sold them I removed that post. I don't think using USB Bit Whacker as programming a Pic Lol see some else did all the work for you lol.
I didn't think they still sold them I removed that post. I don't think using USB Bit Whacker as programming a Pic Lol see some else did all the work for you lol.

The idea behind the bitwacker is that you write the code on the PC and use the PIC as an IO device. They even have a demo app where you click on the port pins to turn them on and off. It is cool stuff.

And they can be used for code development if you can put up with a boot loader.
When attached to a Windows/Max OS X/Linux computer, the UBW will show up as an RS232 Com port!
(Quote from Sparkfun)

I was reading on the UBW website and couldn't I use this UBW as a way to connect a serial programmer up to USB?
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If you can write the code to use it you could
I was reading on the UBW website and couldn't I use this UBW as a way to connect a serial programmer up to USB?
(Quote from Sparkfun)

I was reading on the UBW website and couldn't I use this UBW as a way to connect a serial programmer up to USB?
A PICkit2 is about $35.

The UBW kit is $25. A serial programmer is going to cost you another $10 or so. Then there is that non trival matter of writing the code to make this hybrid programmer work!

Get a PICkit2 or a JuneBug.

I was reading on the UBW website and couldn't I use this UBW as a way to connect a serial programmer up to USB?

Not a JDM programmer because the UBW only puts out TTL levels. There's no way to generate the 12v.

Buy the PICkit 2 and then build a UBW. It only takes a circuit board, a PIC and socket, crystal+caps, a few push buttons and LEDs, 3 other capacitors, a few resistors and a USB socket. I've put one together for about $8 using strip board. Of course, my home built UBW isn't as polished looking as the $25 one that you buy from Sparkfun, but it works.

With a PICkit 2 you can program just about any PIC, which is a needed capability if you are going to continue with PICs.
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I've recently built a UBW type board, based on my existing tutorial boards, here's the beta layout - might be a tweaking done yet.

Just noticed - I haven't even changed the number on the chip


  • usb_board.GIF
    113.3 KB · Views: 686
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I found a similar cable to **broken link removed** below that will allow me to hook up any serial programmer to my laptop.

It works great.
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