I'm hoping to replace the USB input for this led lamp, I know very little about electronics aside from plug n play pc builds. Are there ready made replacement parts available for this sort of thing? Or do I have to learn to solder circuits?
You can look for a "USB Breakout board" like this one from Sparkfun. Chances are the mounting holes won't line up, and it may take a little digging to find a micro-b connector, but you'd have to do is solder the power leads to the right pads.
Alternatively, you could get a long USB cable, the B end off, run the cable through a hole in the lamp,, and splice the wires together.
You can look for a "USB Breakout board" like this one from Sparkfun. Chances are the mounting holes won't line up, and it may take a little digging to find a micro-b connector, but you'd have to do is solder the power leads to the right pads.
Alternatively, you could get a long USB cable, the B end off, run the cable through a hole in the lamp,, and splice the wires together.