USB use

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New Member
Hey guys,

I have a old piece of junk of a computer, and i was thinking maybe i can start experimenting with using the usb port in it as a source of voltage or power. It would be pretty cool to turn on a circuit by plugging into a usb port. The problem is that i have no idea what the 3000 pins on the usb jack do. If anyone had some kind of short explanation or a link to a site that gave you a general overview, I would really appreciate it.

Well i already did, but 95% of the results have to do with flash drives and other usb devices, and the other 5% which actually deal with circuits assume you know too much. I didn't really find an introductory site, so i asked.
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That explains 4 pins.

I don't think we can explain the "other" 2996 pins in the USB jack unless you take a picture of your 3000 pin USB jack and post it.
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