Use BCD switch to vary Frequency with a PIC microcontoller

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I'm sorry Ian. What is trolling?

You seem compelled to offer advice for almost every new post and most of the time it's pretty sound advice. Once in awhile though one of your comments doesn't make sense and I'm just trying to get you to clarify it. I think the community deserves thoughtful knowledgeable quality advice, don't you?
Huh? It seems there's a communications problem. I noticed the OP has gone to the Microchip forum. I wonder if he was having as much trouble understanding what you're trying to say as I am?

Do you not think this comment is uncalled for?

so we need to trip the timer at 500us and 32 (you'll have to drop the 0.25 and round up), so 500uS and 31uS Timer0's smallest count (1:2) multiples of 2

I though that this comment was pretty straight forward... Using timer0's smallest pre-scale.. Twice.. gives the desired frequency with a certain pre-load of TMR0.

I have also written the program a made sure my calculations were correct before posting.... I was waiting for the OP to try for himself first....

I also discovered that the ISR needed 15uS, which was the reason for the hint at the bottom. I assumed the comments were easy to understand, as Burt understood the post... Maybe I need to be a bit clearer in my descriptions.
Thank you for the clarification, Ian. Now I understand what you were trying to say. Sometimes taking a little extra time for a thoughtful response makes a big difference.

May I impose to ask once again what you meant by trolling, please?

It happens a lot on this forum.... People wait for "errors in a post" (Instead of posting their opinion) and rubbish down remarks from others.... Its very annoying!

Its far easier to either "PM", as Eric does, to clarify a remark than try to rubbish the post. It comes across very unprofessional.

Remember.. I'm only here to help others.... I really don't need hassle. If you believe I have commented wrongly, PM me and I'll put it to rights.
Again, thank you for the explanation.

Contributing is hardly necessary when you "first res-ponders" do such a good job. Seems only once in a great while that you're a bit too quick on the trigger to put together a thoughtful response.

I would be happy to PM you in the future when I don't understand one of your comments.

Thank you...
When you were at college, uni or whatever... You did projects. The purpose of these "projects" is to let you find out... for yourself... how to do certain tasks..

The books yo read whilst doing your projects, all gave similar, but not exactly, the same idea's.. Dr X's idea's were somewhat OTT whereas Dr Y's were very comprehensible.

The same applies here... If I post a comment and you don't entirely agree... Post your answer stating why you don't agree! and why your comment is more valid. If I believe you are correct and I am incorrect... I'll post and agree with you. The OP can then benefit from the both of us, instead (as you rightly mentioned ) will go elsewhere as he can't be bothered with the debarkle we are having...

If you see some of my posts... When I am corrected, and sometimes rightly so, I do post an apology.
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