Using 18F4550 as pickit2?

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New Member
Would it be possible to use the 18f4550 as a pickkit2 instead of 18f2550 ?

Reason for asking is that i have the 4550 lying around.
I can't see any reason why not. They are essentially the same chip in a different package. However, designing a PCB etc is going to take a lot of your time to save the cost of a 2550 (<$5).


Yes it works fine without any modification, I only had a 4550 when I first tried to do it, but as Pommie said you will be better doing your final circuit with the smaller 2550.
There are ready made pcbs designs for the Pickit2 Lite on the web you can download.

If you do that, also keep your 4550 prototype, its often handy to have 2 pickits, one as your programmer / debugger and the other one being used as the logic anaylzer or Usart tool etc.

Another trick, the PK2 lite, as is, will only program +5v chips, but if you fit a 3 v or 3v3 regualtor between the usb connector and the whole pk2 cicuit then you can program the 3v chips as well - have done this with the pic24F chips.
Ok so its just to put the software for PK 2 in the 4450? its manily for proto (to hav a usb programmer as my computerpark is beein renewed all with serial ports are going on holiday )
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