using a DS18B20 temp probe

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Well-Known Member
Need to construct this unit but not real sure of the 4.7K R! resistor.
Do I need one for each probe (4 separate probes)
I looked at this guide but still have questions
**broken link removed**
The LEDs are green and red arrays (4 green 4 red)
my plan is to have one green and one red per probe as an indicator. If temperature drops below set temp then green LED flashes. If higher than set temp then Red led flashes.
Need to include a mont pushbutton to vied temps when desired (no need to have display running 24/7
If and when I get this thing running I hope to add a past history feature where the temps can be displayed to indicate adverage temp over a 24 hour period or more say 7 days.
Need to etch a PCboard so any errors or suggestions in schematic would be appreciated.


  • temp probes.PNG
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The only resistor needed is one pull up for the network.

The master (cpu) can either drive the wire low or tristate it. If tristated it will be pulled high by the pullup resistor unless a one wire device is pulling it low.
Hi MrDeb.
I just bought a DS18B20 Last week and have only today got somethings working properly. What a head case. Comuniction with the sensor was the easy part. Manipulation of the Temp to get it to decimal to display on a 7 segment was the hardest part (for me)

anyway schematic looks ok.
But is RS of the LCD supposed to be connected to 1 side of the VR?
Oups I see what your talking about .
Had to recheck the schematic over at **broken link removed**
will make change.
You need to build a TAP board (throw away Pic) board. See at **broken link removed**
I saves having to reconstruch the same circuit to support the PIC. I have one I am working on for 18 pin and 40 pin PICs on same board.
Then just use ribbon cables to jump to breadboard that has your test circuits.
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