Using a PIC to generate radio freq. PWM

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Well-Known Member
I am doing an experiment to build a 400W RF class E amplifier at about 4Mhz.
This means controlling the duty cycle of the pulses governs the amplifier efficiency.

I am considering the 48Mhz 18F25J50

Given the PWM Period:
PWM Period = [(PR2) + 1] • 4 • TOSC•(TMR2 Prescale Value)
It seems that a PR2 of 2 is the max I can get for a 4Mhz PWM drive.
Which just gives 0,25,50,100% PWM settings. Not much control.

The alternative is to make a one shot timer which is driven by a 4Mhz click line and then alter PWM by altering the one shot duration.

Any suggestions on this?
You may get a better resolution using compare but the interrupt will need to be coded cleverly..

Have a look at it as it kinda is the one shot solution.. BUT!! the CCP pin is toggled for you.. You need to reset the timer it the interrupt though!
I didn't see a link in your post:
You may get a better resolution using compare but the interrupt will need to be coded cleverly..

Have a look at it as it kinda is the one shot solution.. BUT!! the CCP pin is toggled for you.. You need to reset the timer it the interrupt though!

But I did up this spice sim to allow for duty cycle mgmt over the range of interest. For the feedback control I'm thinking about averaging the miller current spikes (not sure how yet) thru the FET source and also the current coming thru the class E RFC then creating a ratio from the RFC current pulse of perhaps 80% as a control ref for an opamp to adjust the DC% via biasing the PNP in the sim.

Note the 'loss' current spike where the FET switches while there's still charge in the output capacitance.


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Although timer 2 is clocked at 1/4 of the 48MHz, the PWM module uses 2 extra bits for PWM so you will have 12 different values to work with.

Edit, A value of 2 in PR2 only gives you 3 values not four. The two extra bits make it 12.

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