Using a PIC with a TFT LCD

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New Member
I don't know if it is possible but I will ask anyway.

Can a PIC (16F877A) be used to control and display text onto a TFT LCD screen?

I have a Unipac model UP61V01 TFT LCD screen and would like to try and use this with one of my 16F877A's. I have included the datasheet for reference.

Any help is greatly appreciated.



  • up61v01.pdf
    230.4 KB · Views: 675
On a practical level, probably not. The PIC cannot drive this directly, it needs a controller chip so you can read/write addresses that go to the display. Since one is not included with this display, you would need to do research to find an appropriate one, wire up at least two fairly wide buses and possibly an external memory bus, and try to write software for it.

It's not impossible, but may not be realistic. There are plenty of displays with built-in controllers (T6963C, SED1330 are common), but they usually drive monotone black/white displays.
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