Using Ac line to transmit FM remote (un)/latch code

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New Member
Don't recall seeing this on the form?

Would like to use AC line to xmit FM/code to receiver to activate spst relay sw. on/off for about 100-150 feet. This would be used for electronic equipment. Could be used with multi. code tones. Perhaps using dtmf/controler? Is this a novel idea or is there info out there?

Tanks up front!

Get a pair of FM transmitters that use the mains to transmit the signal from one unit to the other.
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No it's not novel, it's just very, very old - pre-Internet - so there's not much to be found.

Mains signalling was supposed to be a 'big thing' back in the 70's, but it died off, and never really happened.

However, there are currently commercial systems available.
Thanks for the information, but the nail has not been hit yet. Plans, PCB's, Schematic's, Mfg's Etc...

Thnaks again.

Thay still make telephone line extenders that work over the AC power lines. You could look up "Power Line Comunicatoins" to get you started. Andy
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The nail has not been hit yet.
X-10 is what you described!
Thanks for your help guys. Been running the net and it looks to me this is not the way to go. How about using a twisted pair? dtmf or some thing a long this line Ramsey elect. has a kit TB-1 (?) Just need one maybe two latches. Another ? next time.
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x-10 4pyro

You know I saw that sitting there and I failed to follow through. Thanks for reminding me again. I'll get right on it! Hope your name is okay. as you can see I'm a nubee. Gaining.

Signalling on the Mains wiring was messed up by spikes from a refrigerator tuning on and off, light dimmers and compact fluorescent light bulbs.
Signalling on the Mains wiring was messed up by spikes from a refrigerator tuning on and off, light dimmers and compact fluorescent light bulbs.
You forgot the signal suckers! Like surge suppressor plug strips and UPS units.
Why do people who have been in prison for 30 years then are released want to make old circuits like this?
X-10 4pyros

Looked up x-10. Great idea, but a little over done for me. Haven't told whole story. Would like to latch (on) a two way radio in my garage 75'-100' away then unlatch (off). Here's the kicker. Would like to latch local (on/off ) at remote. Latch (on/off) at remote.
Sort of a three way switch. I think that's the way they work(?) By-the-by. Looking for an isolation latch. (117vac spst FR-101, mfg Alco Electronic Products Inc. NSN 5945-01-100-4041. I've contacted Ralph's, PartTargrt others.This relay must be very secret no one wants to talk about it. Either that or your to small to bother with. Would like two. Thanks. Thanks to audioguru also.

So when it is on the remote is sending a signal all the time to keep it on?
Here's a circuit that latches ON or OFF according to the length of the signal:
**broken link removed**

Thanks for the input. Checked on the x-10. A little over the top.Great idea i plan looking deeper later. Like your meter idea.

It was in the list maybe?

Why do people who have been in prison for 30 years then are released want to make old circuits like this?

What was the crime they comitted?

Maybe when they got back their belongings the got back their projects list... from 30 years ago.
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