Using latches to capture 8086 bus

I'm trying to capture the data using stm32, I have used two latches as the following diagram
and this is the schematic of the bus for your reference

I'm not getting any LCD commands that was referenced in the answer, I only get two LCD Commands 0x60, and CS1,CS2 = 1, A1 = 0 or 1, and they are always like that. I'm not sure how to debug that, I need some ways to debug that issue.
Latches are LS374
Here is my coding part:

void processData(uint32_t buffer) {

// Extracting control signals

uint32_t data_word = buffer;

int16_t A1 = (data_word >> 0) & 0x01;  // PD0

int16_t CS1 = (data_word >> 1) & 0x01; // PD1

int16_t CS2 = (data_word >> 2) & 0x01; // PD2

// Extracting data bits

uint8_t data_bits = (data_word >> 3) & 0xFF; // PD3 to PD10
// Control logic for LCD1 and LCD2
if ((!CS1) && (!A1)) {
if ((!CS1) && (A1)) {
if ((!CS2) && (!A1)) {


if ((!CS2) && (A1)) {



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