We are using the Hameg 8118 LCR meter with the LCX-Z5 test fixture.
If you are using the LCX-Z5 test fixture to measure an inductor (not a transformer), then would you do the open/short calibration by opening all connections for the open calibration, then shorting all together for the short calibration?
At 08:10 of the following, they show an inductance measurement with the LCX-Z5, but dont show how the open/short calibration is done prior to the measurement.
At 2:23 they show the LCX-Z5 being put through open/short calibration, but thats for a transformer measurement.
Hameg HM8118
Page 9 shows the LCX-Z5....
Also, regarding the Hameg HZ186 transformer test fixture, the open/short calibration is described on page 62 of the following.....
However, 2:20 of this video....
.....shows the open/short calibration being very different for the LCX-Z5, which is equivalent to the HZ186. Do you know the reason for the difference?
We are using the Hameg 8118 LCR meter with the LCX-Z5 test fixture.
If you are using the LCX-Z5 test fixture to measure an inductor (not a transformer), then would you do the open/short calibration by opening all connections for the open calibration, then shorting all together for the short calibration?
At 08:10 of the following, they show an inductance measurement with the LCX-Z5, but dont show how the open/short calibration is done prior to the measurement.
At 2:23 they show the LCX-Z5 being put through open/short calibration, but thats for a transformer measurement.
Hameg HM8118

R&S®HM8118 LCR Bridge User Manual
Rohde & Schwarz User Manual for R&S®HM8118 LCR Bridge.

Page 9 shows the LCX-Z5....
Also, regarding the Hameg HZ186 transformer test fixture, the open/short calibration is described on page 62 of the following.....
However, 2:20 of this video....
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