using NOPPP, the "No-Parts" PIC Programmer on xp

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New Member
hi all

is it possible to use this programmer on xp?.there is a software on the
above page but it is in spanish.(by Miguel Sandro Lucero).and another
one ment for 9x
systems(**broken link removed**).
can i use above 9x software by using windows xp compatability
wizard.will it work?(i can open this softawre in xp.but dono what will
happen while programming).
or is there any other software which works on xp.(i want XT,watch dog
timer options in the program)

ay ideas
help pls
I think the ports are protected on XP, but you could get the original DOS software and run it from a DOS boot disk (or through an emulator in Window$). Or if your a programmer and have time to spare, you could port the code to run through a driver like DLPORTIO. Maybe IC-Prog software supports this programmer? I don't remember.
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