Using PIC16F877 with FM Transceivers

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I am using PIC16F877 @ 16MHz.

I have a pair of FM transceivers (433MHz) that gives CMOS data output.
This data out pin is connected to RC7/RX/DT.

I tried sending a byte 0x41 and correctly received this byte when using wires.
But once I replaced these wires with the pair of transceivers, I received 0xD0.
I do not think its due to noise as I consistenly received 0xD0. Any idea what might be wrong?
Is it because I need to have a pull-up resistor at RC7/RX/DT?

Any help is greatly appreciated.

No, it's because you can't send plain serial data with the radio modules, basically because they are AC coupled. Check my PIC tutorials for more details.
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