Using PWM and Capture : Is This OK?

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This thread came from another one asking some questions about changing the CCP2 pin of a 18F4620.

I am thinking of using the same RC1 pin for the following :

1) Backlight brightness control of LCD module using PWM (Default behaviour)

2) Capturing of pulses generated by a light to freq photodiode, TSL230R (When required)

See Diagram

My questions are :
1) When RC1 is generating PWM to drive the LCD module, will it damage or cause problem to the photo-diode?

2) When RC1 is capturing the pulses generated by the photo-diode, will it damage or cause problem to the LCD module?

Your comments much appreciated. Thks!
Of course, I am not expecting both to be operating at the same time. But if one is doing so, will it cause problem to the other.
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