Vacation Time!

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Well-Known Member
Leaving tomorrow for an Alaskan vacation to Denali National Park, and a return cruise aboard the Diamond Princess. Be back June 8. Ratch

Wow sounds cool. Have fun, and try to take some pictures and hopefully share them here?
Leaving tomorrow for an Alaskan vacation to Denali National Park, and a return cruise aboard the Diamond Princess. Be back June 8. Ratch

I have been there in the Cessna 182 (avatar pix). Landed on the dirt strip right by the railroad station at the entrance to the park. Rode the green bus all the way to mile 86 and back. Saw Grizzly, wolf, moose, sheep, eagles, etc. Neat place to visit.

Flew all the way down the coast from Anchorage to Seward to Valdez to Skagway to Juneau to Ketchikan to Prince Rupert to Bellingham, WA, pretty much the same route as your cruise ship.
To the Ineffable All,
Arrived back yesterday. Still have to decompress. I took over 350 pics and *.mov snippets. Obviously, I cannot post everything, so I have to select what to post. Looks like the technical discussion has been going strong. Sorry I could not participate, but I will try to catch up. The yard work has piled up, and so have other things I need to take an interest in. I will get back when I have the time.

To the Ineffable All,

OK, here is an update and a few pics. We flew to Anchorage and stayed there overnight, then took a bus to the Mt. McKinley Princess Lodge near Talkeetna, Alaska. We stayed there for one night before continuing onward. The pics are as follows.

001.jpg A view from the bus window of one of the Anchorage city lakes. Notice the time stamp in the pic. It takes the sun a long time to set at that latitude.

003.jpg A slap shot telephoto of the mountains near Anchorage.

004.jpg Typical mountain scenery from Anchorage to Talkeetna.

The next 4 pics show Mt. Denali (formerly known as Mt. McKinley) in various focal lengths. Mt. Denali is the official name now.

The next 3 pics show 2 moose cows about 150 feet from the train station munching on tasty greens. We were told that more people are killed by moose than bears in Alaska. The moose are very territorial, and the cows are very protective of their calves. Their size. weight, and aggressiveness make them an animal not to be trifled with.

The last pic is on the train to Denali National Park where we stayed at the Denali Princess Lodge for two nights. More pics and commentary later. Ratch


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Thanks much for the pictures. Very nice views there. At one time i wanted to move there

BTW, we started another thread about the biasing of an NPN transistor you may want to take a look at because we are now talking about doing a circuit using voltage control and later comparing to other techniques. Since you like the voltage control idea you may be able to contribute something here. I was hoping you could kick in some ideas from that other thread you linked to back in the emitter bypass thread, as that seems to be what i am looking for to examine a little better in the newer thread, as well as other methods.

Hi Ratch

I did not have any time for you when I joined ETO. But, you know what, I think differently after seeing you are just a knowledgeable clued up person.

As Pedantic as you claim to be....I really now know you are just Ratch. That is a Normal guy that likes to take a break from time to time.

I am very happy that other Members here appreciate your input on complicated subjects/discussions and have Repped you accordingly . And they missed you too while you were away on holiday...

Stay well Ratch. And stay a long time here @ ETO. I am slowly coming to terms with your depth of knowledge. Hows that

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I will look at the thread when I get the time.


Thanks for your endorsement. I hope I don't anger you again.


I will look at the thread when I get the time.


Thanks for your endorsement. I hope I don't anger you again.


Never, ever angered me. Confused me yes...because making simple things complicated. That's it.

Hey, I am a simple guy....please post back when the Garden is sorted

To the Ineffable All,

Now to continue. I forget to mention that Mt. Denali has a higher base to summit height than Mt. Everest. Mt Everest reaches higher, but its base starts out on a high plane. Those who climb Denali have to haul their supplies on an 80 pound sled by themselves. No Sherpas are allowed to help.

030.jpg Train to Fairbanks going around a bend.

031.jpg One of the countless rivers along the way

032.jpg Everywhere you look is a postcard.

033.jpg Countless mountains along the way

034.jpg This train is bound for scenery.

043.jpg Arriving in high country.

047.jpg Going over a 300 foot trestle. Notice the Vistadome configuration and the outside observation platform. The bottom of the cars contain a dining room.

050.jpg A view of the gorge 300 feet below.

The train is the way to go. Buses are more cramped and don't have the big wide windows. Train costs more, but is worth it.


I have not forgotten to look at the thread that was made while I was gone. I am busy, but I do plan to evaluate it.



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To the Ineffable All,

I have not forgotten to look at the thread that was made while I was gone. I am busy, but I do plan to evaluate it.


I don't like that kind of talk. You are trying to sound like a teacher who has been away and is now going to "evaluate" all here in that thread in your absence. Almost like checking to see what the kids have been up to while you were away.

Maybe you never meant it that way. If not, OK. Explain.
If you meant it that way...then I retract all the positive things I have tried to find and have said about you lately. Your call.

Or maybe, why should I even bother with this.... As far as I know ETO provides Practical tips for folks that need help. Not papers on theoretical stuff and theorems and complicated problems......sure a Forum exists out there which people are welcome to visit..

ETO is a hands on Forum.

I can show you how to get shocked with EHT. I can also show you how to never get shocked by EHT. I have been in the game long enough.

Theory and formulas and calculations and lots of Maths and lot's of theoretical knowledge doe's not stop you getting belted. EHT finds you.

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I don't like that kind of talk. You are trying to sound like a teacher who has been away and is now going to "evaluate" all here in that thread in your absence. Almost like checking to see what the kids have been up to while you were away.

I was planning to evaluate the thread, not the people who contributed to the thread. That was clear in my statement.

Maybe you never meant it that way. If not, OK. Explain.

I should not have to explain anything. My original statement was clear enough.

If you meant it that way...then I retract all the positive things I have tried to find and have said about you lately. Your call.

It makes no difference either way. It's your call.

This forum does provide help and also links to practical and abstruse subjects. Yes, anyone can visit here. And your point is?

ETO is a hands on Forum.

What does that mean?

What is EHT? You should define uncommon acronyms before you use them.


Oh LOL. You are still Ratch and will not change ever.

So be it.

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