Variable frequency 555 circuit


New Member
Hello all,

I seem to recall having a schematic for one roughly 20 years ago, but there have been several hard drive crashes and at least one plumbing "flood" since then.. and I can't seem to re-locate it online.

My goal is to externally trigger square wave pulses (of variable frequency say from 20-22000 Hz) with a 555 timer circuit using a function generator/laptop/tablet/etc. Most of the schematics I have found show 555 pins TRIG 2 & 6 joined together for astable square waves.

Is this an internal IC connection or just a common way of externally wiring the 555 for astable mode?

Ideally, I would like to keep my output voltage fairly close to the maximum 15 VDC input (and I'm wondering how duty cycle would impact this goal). Also, I am looking to software control a 555 square wave oscillator, not "set" a hardware output frequency.
Looking at the DSP freq generator board, it does look better suited to my goals. Unfortunately, looking at the photos, I'm seeing USB cables, so I'm guessing output voltage in the 3.7-5 VDC range.

I was looking for selectable (ideally sweepable) frequency square wave pulses in the 12-15 VDC range, hence a 555 approach. Perhaps the DSP board could be used as an external trigger source somehow?
Changing the output signal level would not be a problem. You need to tell us what your idea of accurate is. (As a percentage or parts per million.) Do you want to control the frequency with a variable voltage or do you want to set the frequency with a digital signal of some sort ? Giving us details of exactly what the purpose of the signal is would be a great help to save us trying to imagine what you are trying to do.

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