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New Member
I have breadboarded a VCO capable of producing four wave shapes. I have attached the schematic. I want to know how to I could modulate the signal with an LFO before it gets to the output. I want to create it as a separate module and connect it like a modular synth. The VCO as two outputs phono and a 2 way terminal block but I'm not going to have the two way terminal block in the finished product. I don't know how I would connect the LFO so any help would be appreciated.




  • VCO.png
    250.7 KB · Views: 162
  • LFO.pdf
    5.7 KB · Views: 260
I have also been looking at midi to cv converter to add control to this oscillator but that look a little out of my league just yet. So I thought I could possibly add a ribbon control like the Korg Monotron has. I have attched the schematic as I don't know where the ribbon control is? Any help would be greatly appreciated.


  • monotron_schematic-1.png
    537.4 KB · Views: 171
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