verify error at address 0x0000?

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I built a parallel port winpicprog based programmer using a given PCB. When i try to write data to the pic, I always recieve this error. {This never occers when the program is zero length }

Please help me. i cannot correct this error. i checked the voltage and it is ok (13v) what is this error for?

If you can, provide me the circuit diagram of this type programmer.

Thank You!
I don't know winpicprog but this almost certainly means the programmer couldn't make contact with the PIC. Most likely it failed to program in the first place, though it could also simply be unable to read-back.

This is unfortuantely a *broad* range of possible problems.

Does the PIC have +5v power? Is PGC/PGD wired up correctly? Bypass caps on Vdd/Vss? How long is your programming cable?
What PIC are you Programing is it a 40 pin,18 pin or 8 pin?

This error mostly comes when the PIC & the programmer is not in good contact.

See the attachement for the programmer circuit.You can find that in Nigels site too.


  • p16pro40.pdf
    14.2 KB · Views: 255
Thank you guys


I tried to program a 40 pin pic (16f877) i will check the circuit diagram n de program. my port cable is abt 3ft long. is it matters?

Please if you can tell me on what pins for what voltages i need to check?

Thank You.
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