I finally program it !!!!... but the thing is when i turn it off for awhile the last program is erased !!...any ideas why??...do i have to leave the pic with the power supply for avoid erase it?
can anyone recommend me a compiler ??.. easy-to-use and with MACROS easy-to-use support.
now you get doubt on fuses i was trying to cover all the steps and had to withdraw my second instllment because of your postquoted below. i didn't want to teach or offer tutorial to someone-without asking for it
cucamunga said:
Thanks you very very much Sarma for your tutorial, here are the news:
1.- still does not work, the MCLR is 11,9V when i click "program all"...i think that is enought.
2.- i really dont know the problem... could be the .HEX and the fuses??