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Am I just totally not seeing it - is there any place to get Veroboard? I see perfboard everywhere. Any suggestions?
PDubya said:
Am I just totally not seeing it - is there any place to get Veroboard? I see perfboard everywhere. Any suggestions?

If your location was filled in, perhaps we could make suggestions?.

You could try looking for 'stripboard', Veroboard is a specific manufacturers trademark (probably the original manufacturer?).
Ah, sorry .

Stripboard eh? That seemed to be the ticket! I wasn't finding anybody selling it under the veroboard name. While I've got you captive Nigel ... what would the pushbuttons on the PIC tutorial "Switch Board" be called? I looked on mouser for about 20 minutes and didn't find anything - but there were over 6k different parts under "pushbutton" (and I wasn't going through them all!).

Thanks again!
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They are called "push buttons taken out of old TV sets"

Just look in any old electronics gear you have, you find these sorts of switches everywhere. All you need is a simple push to make switch, you could always alter the layout to make any fit - it's not at all critical.
Ah, I see .

I don't think I have anything I could rip apart - but I'll have to keep my eyes peeled!


On the switches, you probably could order a switches grab bag from Jameco. P/N 18235 @ $8.95. The Schwab's School Selection contains 9 grab bags including switches, LEDs, capacitors, diodes, transistors, etc for $39.95. P/N 163213. The only problem that I had when ordering the Schwab's grab bag was that 50% of the transistors had no markings. Here is a link to the catalog page: **broken link removed**
Grab bags are usually pretty scary... though the prices don't seem too bad at all. I'd just really like to get some pushbuttons that would work on a breadboard easilly. The type he had in his project looked perfect . I just had no idea where to even begin to narrow the list down on mouser.
Heh... I agree, although the LEDs, and switches grab bags I came out ok on. The switch that I use most often on breadboard:

**broken link removed**

Jameco has @ $0.74 EA starting with a minimum of 4. I originally got them from a vellman kit.
Yeah, I use that kind on my breadboard. Tactile switch is the keyword, and I generally find that's summed up by "it clicks when you press it"

I bought a lot to make a simple keyboard for my synth, but they have nearly all worn out with only very light use, I can't actually figure out why. My spare ones are ok.
Dr.EM said:
I bought a lot to make a simple keyboard for my synth, but they have nearly all worn out with only very light use, I can't actually figure out why. My spare ones are ok.

Not much to figure out, they are only rated for fairly light use, I suspect using them for a keyboard is abusing them!
Years ago I was using strong blue epoxy-fiberglass Veroboard, then all that was available was cheap and brittle phenolic, so I have been buying an excellent Chinese epoxy-fiberglass copy.
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