VGA Monitor soft switch

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New Member

I am looking to display a splash screen on a VGA TFT monitor for a fixed amount of time before switching the output of a DVR onto the monitor.
I have bought a uVGA display device (for generating the splash screen) but am looking to design the rest of the system so that I can take the video signal from the uVGA and the DVR to some kind of controller from which I can select which one to output to the monitor...Hope this makes sense...What I would like some advice on though, is if anybody knows of any decent 'soft' switchers?

I will be looking to 'sense' when the VGA from the DVR turns on so that the timer in my controller is started to display the splash screen, but then switch the DVR to the monitor permanently afterwards..

Thanks in advance.
If I'm understand your post correctly, you might be able to modify an AB switch to suit your purposes. Look here.
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