Thanks ccurtis! I'm game to give this a try but don't have a lot of experience in this field, so I'd appreciate any tips you may think are 'obvious'. I have soldered a PCB before and always tinker with projects, so am not a complete liability..... (perhaps).
Anyway, you say, "A purest would build a 50 ohm strip-line PCB and mount (five or more 200pF) chip ceramic capacitors and the connectors to the board to avoid any impedance discontinuity".
First off, what is a 50 ohm strip line? Do I use the inner copper core wire from a 50 ohm coax cable to link the capacitors in parallel?
I'm familiar with R..shack for electronics parts, could you be more specific with which capacitors I ought to use as there appears to be numerous options (tantalum, metal film etc etc) Also, I see MF and UF rating but not pF. Lastly, the voltage seems much less than 5oo volts you mentioned.
Is the high voltage rating for lightning? The DC voltage I hope to block is just the 12 volts. However, I don't know if RF voltage is different?
Thanks again for you time and patience.