VHS Recorder Problem

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New Member
I have an LG VHS video tape recorder (FC450SW is it's model number) that doesn't want to work.

It's not very old and last week when I set the timer to record it worked fine. However, upon coming back to watched the taped program the VHS recorder wouldn't turn on. The standby signal on the LCD display was working but when I tried to turn the appliance on it wouldn't do a thing. I took the case off and got my tape out (not that it is much use having now!!), but it still doesn't work.

If anyone could help it would be highly appreciated.

There are many things that could be causing this behavior.

VHS recorders have become so inexpensive that most people will tell you they are not worth working on.

Have you tried using it with both the remote and the front panel. Could be a dead remote.

If you try to insert a tape (now in standby) the the unit accept the tape and change the display. Maybe even turn on?

Sometimes AV equipment has a control in on the back which will allow on unit to send commands to another. If you have this on both a receiver and the VHS you might be able to have the receiver send commands to the VSH. A long shot at best.

Thanks 3v0. I have tried the options you posted but no success.
It looks like I may need to buy another one! I was just trying to see if I could save some money (even if its not much).

Thanks 3v0. I have tried the options you posted but no success.
It looks like I may need to buy another one! I was just trying to see if I could save some money (even if its not much).

Can you even get them anymore?, they are pretty well unobtainable in the UK, and have been for some years - with the only exceptions been the incredibly cheap junk sold by some of the supermarkets (and I think they have given up now).
For what it's worth this site, **broken link removed** has a .pdf file of the VCR's chassis. Again it's a .pdf file so you'll need Adobe Reader to view it. There are numerous pages of info. including a troubleshooting flowchart which should help you out. I'll try attaching the .pdf file as well to this post.


  • LG FC450SW VCR Exploded View.pdf
    6.9 MB · Views: 1,170
Can you even get them anymore?, they are pretty well unobtainable in the UK, and have been for some years - with the only exceptions been the incredibly cheap junk sold by some of the supermarkets (and I think they have given up now).
Pretty much the same on this side of the big pond. If a person needs a VHS vcr, they either buy a vcr/dvd combo new, or try yard sales where VCRs seem to be plenty. Cheapo DVD players are now selling for as low as $29 US. During the mad Christmas rush, Wally Fart pumps them out the door for under $25 US !!!
Pretty much the same on this side of the big pond. If a person needs a VHS vcr, they either buy a vcr/dvd combo new

The combo's are pretty well gone now as well.

Cheapo DVD players are now selling for as low as $29 US. During the mad Christmas rush, Wally Fart pumps them out the door for under $25 US !!!

I've seen then hear at £15 or so, and even as low as £12 sometimes - it's utterly crazy.
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