Video Security IOT Project

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New Member

I need to come up with a solution to a problem. I'm trying to do a project for fun where it's needed to surround a 12 meters perimeter with 3 cameras.

Basically I want to build a security system that records everything in this perimeter. The cameras will have motion sensors attached to it so it just records when it detects any kind of movement. When the motion sensor detects something all the 3 cameras must start recording and sending the video images to the tablet to be stored. The tablet needs to be capable of watching the cameras in real-time and access the records files that the cameras recorded when the motion sensor detected something.

Since I'm really new to this field, I'm just a programmer, I need some kind of help to get started. I thought I could build the cameras setup with arduinos.
Something like this:

Then have 3 of these streaming to a raspeberry Pi that collects all the recording files and the tablet access it trought an app.
That's just something that I thought.

What do you think? Is this possible? What is the best solution to this? What material will I need?

Thank you very much I hope I can get in the right away.


  • mts.jpg
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An Arduino can't stream video, or anywhere near.

Why don't you just buy IP cameras?, they are standard components now (and fairly low cost) and should do what you require.
An Arduino can't stream video, or anywhere near.

Why don't you just buy IP cameras?, they are standard components now (and fairly low cost) and should do what you require.
yes, you would be better off with something like a raspberry pi 3 which has a built-in camera port as well as built-in wifi, or just using ip cameras as standalone video sources. once you have video streams coming in, you can write software that saves video footage if motion is detected in the camera's field of view.
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