Viewer for cam

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Well-Known Member
I have a snake cam for looking in walls for wires. Here the deal the cam was broke off the snake
but the rest works I want to hook up a camera I have to it to replace the broke one.

So here what I have in the pic I show that there are five pins that went to the snake cam.

I found that from top of picture there like this
1. GND
2. I'm thinking the video in hooks here.
3. this has 5 volts maybe pwm for zoom
4. same as pin 3
5. this I'm sure is the power for the cam

Here the picture
View attachment 68300
I'm open for any ideas to make sure I use the right pins

My cam powers from 9 volts the video out is like 0 to 4.5 volts
What could it hurt if put a 1 k resistor on video out and do a little poking around.
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Well I hook the cam to it and it works I guess the to pins that are at 5 volts are for IR lighting. Not zoom like I was thinking.
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