viewing members helppppppp(regenrating nrz-i signals)

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New Member
people can any buddy help me in amplifyng or regenerating NRZ-i signals in lan cable.. is there any means to do it.. plez help me i wann actually regenerate the data carryng signals so tht this data can be send more 100 mtrs in lan cable ple help..:eek
So would it be OK to spend $200 on components and 100 hours of your time building something that you could buy for $100. Any sufficiently advanced technology is indstinguishable from magic.
A cheap switch will cost you $10 (£5) new.

A set of RJ45 sockets, power supply, transceiver chip, buffers, transformers etc wil cost you 10 times that.
okie frendz u all dude fellows..... u all gr8 and think smthing ahead of world ..
but me the fellow who wantz to actuallu knw the circuitary of reapeters so tht i can be able to build some products out of it.... here in india reapters are at too high rates... and hard to find.. switches are available no doubt but for just reapeting a simple data signal between two pc (i.e in single wire connection) i will suppose to waste the other ports of switch.... i just wanted to knw and learn about the reapters circuitary.... coz i think whn u learn the basic u can make smthing new........ and blueroomelectronics(SIR) i hoped lot frm u and all guys here.. but u ended in saying It's like trying to build a light bulb hoping it would be cheaper than buying one.. but why u dnt think sir tht without the theory of a bulb u cant build a LED
What? I don't follow what you're saying but let us reiterate.
A repeater is a digital device, inside it's actually rebuilding the Ethernet data and retransmitting it.
Hubs (nobody uses them anymore) are landfill, you can get them for nothing or next to nothing. So what if you're wasting the unused connectors they're cheap.
If you want real range with Ethernet then use fiber but this is not cheap but can give you far better than the 100m of twisted pair.
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