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vintage audio parts wanted...

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i've just begun doing for some repair work for a small vintage audio shop in colorado... the owner gave me a list of what he's looking for. it's a big list, and i'm thinking it's probably best if we bought the parts from people in the USA... take a look in your basement, attic, storage unit if you think you can help... i'm sure the owner is willing to pay well (but not extravagantly) for things on this list... as you will see, there are a lot of "parts beasts" wanted (if it's on the list and not working, he is still willing to buy it for a reasonable price).

SPEAKER PARTS: [2]AR2AX or AR3a dome tweeters; Advent, large woofers, under 11.4”wide; 1 Baby Advent2 tweeter

[2]B&O 4” & tweeters; 2 KEF tweeters: Q10, S55; 1 Klipsch 3” woofer; Quad 63, 988, 989, etc.ESL driver panels
SPEAKER CABINETS, empty, needed AR3a, 1 or 2; two each, JBL 4301.
SINGLE SPEAKERS needed AR2AX; Ess/Heil 9; JBL Control1/70V; KLH 17
SPEAKER VOICE COILS JBL2402/2404/2405. EV T35/T350/ST350. [2]Peavey 22A.
CABLES NEEDED: Octal-Octal preamp-amp Mcintosh/Dyna; Denon 1800, 2000, 4000 etc. DJ CD: 12pin cable, transport-controller
AC CORDS Revox; Sony/Teac/Pioneer reels

Pioneer SX990, etc. black rectangular spkr jacks; Revox remote control jack multi-pin plug.

KNOBS NEEDED: Fisher 400, 500, 600, 800 receivers, gold knob caps
Mcintosh knobs: 1700, C24, MA5100 small bass/treble knob; C20 preamp gold end caps.
Nakamichi CA5 preamp Tuner button
Pilot 240 amp, gold fluted knobs
Scott Amp 299C, Tuner 333B [2].50” dia. gold knob cap/whole knob
FACEPLATES Fisher 800C. Marantz 1060, Mcintosh C20. Scott LK72, 299B amps
PRE-RECORDED REEL TAPES, especially ½track or 4channel 15 or 7.5ips

, especially TDK, Maxell
10”hubs; 10+7”aluminum reels
Akai: GX630DB; Head cover 630db/4000db; Akai 360; Akai 1730 reel table. Otari mx5050 stereo/4 channel
Pioneer RT701, RT707, RT901, RT909. all Revox, especially A700 meters, B77+PR99 paddle switches. G36

Tascam 35B preamp; Teac X7R; 3300, 3340, 3440, etc. reel table. Viking 88. Sony/Teac/Pioneer AC cords
REEL-REEL DUST COVERS Pioneer RT707, RT901, RT909; all Revox; Tascam 32,34; Teac 3300,3340,3440

WOOD [or METAL*] CASES NEEDED: EICO ST40/70 amps; Dynaco PAS3, PAT4, etc. wood cases
Fisher receivers 400,500,600,800; Harman-Kardon A50, A224 amps; Duet tuner, TA230*, TA3000* rcvrs; A224+Duet also need bottom plates.
Marantz 1060, 240, 2230/45/70/75 rcvrs, 2130 tuners,etc. McIntosh C26,etc. Nakamichi 1000 cassette. PILOT 240,6025 rcvr
Pioneer cassettes: CTF750, CTF900, CTF950, CTF1000, CTF1250.
Pilot 240 amp. Scott LK72 or 299 amp; 342 tube receiver. Sansui G8700, G9000 Receivers.
PARTS UNITS NEEDED: Audio-Technica PL120. BGW GTC amp module. Cambridge C72 preamp. Carver A220 amp.
Crown PS2 amp, IC150.
Dyna SCA80[filter caps]; PAS2/3, ST70, Mark 2,3,4. ESS 500M amp
Fisher tube receivers: 400, 500, 600, 800. Hafler 9180 amp.
Harman-Kardon: TA230/260 tube rcvrs, Citation I,II,IV,V tube amps/preamps; Citation stereo receiver. HEATH AA100 tube amp.
Kenwood rcvrs: Super 11, KR7050; KR10,000 III on/off switch. M2 amp
Marantz 250M, 1060 & 1200 amps; Rcvrs: 2330 w/good amp. 2235, 2245+2270 multiplex boards; 2275 IF board; 6110, 6120 ‘tables; rcvr panel nuts
all Mcintosh; especially C28, Mc50, Mc60,Mc75, MX110, Ma5100. NAD 370 power supply capacitors
Nakamichi cassettes, esp. 1000, +other 3 head models. Phaselinear 400, 700 amps. Pilot 240 amp, 6025a receiver
Pioneer sx9000 receiver. CTF900, 950, 1000, 1250 cassettes; PL530 turntable; SG9500 EQ.
Revox B251 receiver, B225 CD player; Reel-reels: A77, A700, B77, G36, PR99. Rotel RB990BX amp
Sansui Receivers: 5000x; 5050, G5000, G8700. plastic side trim: G4500; G5000.
Scott LK72,299B amp; 342 tube receiver.
Tascam 122 cassette; Yamaha: B1, M45, PC2002 amps; Receivers: CR2020, Rn301, Rx797.
TURNTABLES: Audio-Technica PL120, Denon DP52; Empire 398/498/598; Luxman PD289,PD375. Marantz 6110, 6120. Pioneer PL530.
Thorens: TD126; 180. 145,146,150,160,165 motors.
TURNTABLE DUST COVERS: Marantz 6300. Pioneer PL117, 510. Technics SL5300. Thorens TD: 121, 124, 125, 126, 145, 146, 150, 160, 165
: Empire 598, 698; Sansui XRQ9; Thorens 150/160/165


Need 1 each, Mono amps: Dyna MkIV. Eico HF30. Fisher 70AZ, 80AZ. Mcintosh Mc30 & Mc50. Quad II. Soundcraft
CD PLAYERS NEEDED: any Nakamichi, Revox B225, Rotel RCD975.
REMOTES NEEDED: Nakamichi MB10 & OMS7A CDs. Yamaha Cx1000u preamp.
TUBES WANTED 5AR4, 6550, 7199, 7591, 7868.

if you have any items on this list, pm me and i will give you my boss's contact info.
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