Virtual Micro Controller Environment

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Dear all,
I am working as a research engineer at University of Applied Sciences Bochum, Germany.
We just developed a virtual environment for training purposes of micro controller education. It features a fully virtualized, Internet accessible MCU, based upon Avrora simulation framework.
Currently I am looking for interested “beta testers”, who would like to access the controller, “playing” a bit with the virtual hardware, giving me some feedback afterwards.
You can register to the platform at **broken link removed**. Some hint: you will encounter a security warning, regarding blocking the device. This is caused by using extGWT which is not digitally signed. If this is not a problem for you, just hit “no” for blocking and the loading will be done in a few seconds.
The environment also offers an integrated development environment, where you can directly compile and execute your source code.
For further information and initial help, just click on “Help” on the log-in screen of the webpage. There are some Youtube videos you may find helpful.
Best regards


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