Virus Protection

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New Member
Hello all,I find myself in need of a new virus protecton program.

I got rid of the EVIL NORTON today,does anyone have any suggestions?

I would like to keep the cost down,but still a good product.

AVG Free

I have been using it for years. It is just as good as Norton, yet has much lower resource requirements, AND, its free.

There are others also:
-Avast (free)
-Kaspersky (not free)
Don't use AV which runs in the background.

When I use Windows I only access the Internet with a restricted account, I don't download any warez or other crapware, I scan regularly and reformat every year. I've discovered that AV running in the background isn't worth the performance hit.
I had Norton but I found my computer ran much faster with the viruses instead.

Just like Windows Exploder and XP auto updater together a known virus.

And we need protection. But I don't think AV will work.

Just re-format and throw away the disk.

Norton Internet Security is a good stuff. Catches almost every viruses and trojans.
Use a subscribed issue. Cracked versions are slow and not good. It's working fine with my P4 512MB RAM.


I use both of these, I've found avast to be a very minimal performance hit, non-issue really and it's a very good antivirus. I also run Spyware Guard and Spyware Blaster by Javacool Software which are free and recommended by many tech sites.
This is my experience with AV pgms.:

AVG Free is a great little AV for free and it's quite effective, but annoying in some respects.

McAfee is effective but IMHO, for those less 'puter literate.

Trend Micro ic effective and again for the homeowner/surfer.

Norton AV is effective and yes it does consume resources but not that bad as some report.

SEP Symantec Endpoint Protection is excellent and again uses system resources but at a very effective and robust results making it worth it... depending upon the user's primary use of their PC. If you're a gamer then no... but even then you can trim and control SEP's background ops. SEP is a serious software that stops bad files dead in their tracks.

If you have plenty of RAM, and good CPU, large PF swap, etc. running SEP or Norton AV isn't much of a hindrance towards performance.
And beware of the fake antivirus / antispyware! If you wanna try a new brand you've found google it first to minimize the risk of installing a spyware-supported anti-spyware
Where a friend of mine used to work (a local college in the next county) the tech in charge of IT always used Norton, and everything was happy. He left to go elsewhere, and a new tech took over - the first thing he did was remove Norton and install McAfee instead. This completely crippled the network, and within two weeks all users were banned from storing files on the servers (which I thought was the entire reason for the network?).
I really suggest using eset nod32 since it really prevents viruses especially autoruns, for me its really that updated. Avira is good also but ESET runs better, I am a programmer and a net administrator and I prefer eset I also have this in my desktop and I even use it on my terminal servers, it really is good read it from here Trojan Remover | ICPEP
NOD32 all the way for me as well.

Here's a few other freeware tools I also use to keep all my computer as clean as possible
MalwareByte AntiMalware
One has to be careful using some of those "cleaner" programs. You can get into troubles quite easily and innocently... esp. if no back-up files are done first.

I installed a so-called cleaner the other day in a PC I'm experimenting around with. After 1 login session, it wouldn't do anything but chronically reboot before it got to the desktop. It also disabled the keyboard and mouse and I couldn't acces the BIOS. The solution: format C:\ and reinstall the OS. Works like a charm now and Symantec SEP is in place ... those freebie AV pgms and system cleaners need to be carefully assessed before installing them.
I use the Piriform CCleaner routinely ... my pc overloads on temporary internet files very quickly and bogs down.
There's no point in using those programs, just clear the temporary Internet files regularly or even better set the amount of cache space to a reasonable level.

Defragmenting you hard drive regularly is also a good idea.
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