Vision Counting project

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New Member
Hello, i want to make a project to count how many people enter and exit the room. It is not just detecting function but also counting the numbers. So if the person enter the room, it is +1, and viceversa if the person goes out from the room, it is -1. If 3 persons enter the room at the same time, it is +3. So if a person just stands on the door without intention to go in, it wont count. What kind of sensor or vision systems i can use for this kind of project? Thanks in advance.
This must be a class assignment that comes around once per year. There have been several threads on this same topic...

This is a common homework question that turns up in these forums on a regular basis. You need to think about how it should work starting with a means of detection. Then a counting circuit that can increment a count up and down. The attached circuit will give you a basic overview. I suggest you look at the data sheets for the components used and understand how it works. You figure out the photo detectors and what is going on. Other chips could also be used other than those in the circuit.



  • People Count.gif
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