VMusic2 MP3 module

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I did by mistake buy this and I am pretty sure I wont be using it.

It is an mp3 player module that can be controlled by a microprocessor over UART.

I wont be using it because I cant use UART in my project and I thought it was I2C

Sell price in 20 dollar plus the shipping and it is completely new unwrapped.

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SPI vs I2C

I have assembler code that runs a VMusic2 on a Freescale 9S08SH4. It uses a "bit banging" interface called SPI but is Real close to I2C. It's a nice little module. G.H <<<)))
Sounds interesting.

If it is easy to move into I would looove some of your code etc. It wasnt my plan to use it but if I cant sell it I might look into it some day.

Any help appreciated.
VMusic2 driver code

Note, this is stripped out of a larger project, so constants & ram use may not make sense, but the essential routines are whole. Bear in mind: it's assembler on a Freescale 9S08SH4. The larger project runs fine. I wrote it in late '09. Enjoy... <<<)))


  • VMusic.txt
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