Voice loudness indicator

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Can anyone suggest a simple circuit for this please. My apologies if my description is unclear in anyway.

I want to build a small device to indicate the loudness of a speaker's voice. A person speaks and at a certain volume level (adjustable with a VR) an LED starts to flash. Below the threshold the LED stays off, above the threshold , the LED flashes. It doesn't matter if the LED flashes in a continuously variable way like an analoge VU meter (although that would be an advantage) or if it just flashes at a pre-set frequency once the volume reaches the threshold level.

The distance from the speaker of the device will be about 1 meter or less.

I imagine a small circuit with a condenser mic and some sort of amplifier in a plastic box with a battery. Nothing fancy.

My first thought was a voice activated switch of some kind but I assume that this would just switch on once and stay on until turned off. Maybe I'm wrong about that.

Any help would be much appreciated.

**broken link removed**

For less than $6 you should just buy their kit and build it.

The circuit looks OK. Includes a microphone and is powered from a 9V battery.
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