Voice recorder...

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I want to build a voice/sound recording circuit that when triggered will play its pre-recorded sound through an amplifier circuit.The amplifier circuit will have a relay on the input so after the voice/sound recorder is played,it will switch back and resume normal operation from it original input.I have a few circuit ideas in my head,but am unsure which voice/sound recording chip would be best suited for the job.The sound is only a few seconds long,so it does not need much memoy.Mostly what I am looking for is a chip that has a output that will change the relays inputs to the amp.,when the voice chip is activated.Any ideas??,thanks for the help...
ISD chips can do this. Nowadays ISD is formerly WINBOND.


  • isd_984.gif
    14.3 KB · Views: 1,302
Thanks for the reply,I will check into that IC.Is there an output on it that will go high when it is playing so I could trigger another circuit.No big deal if there isn't,I would have to just build another circuit to do that task.Thanks again...
I want to build a circuit which can re-record voice atleast up to 10min

so please guide me how can i go forward
Will I get any other way of making a device which can re-record the voice and it should be capable of playback.
Just activate the amplifier simultaneously with the playback button. Plan a 100 to 200ms delay for the message when recording.

i was thinking about this too... i see on schematic aux in. Can i use line level signal on the aux in instead of mic?
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