voltage indicator

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this is voltage indicator file .but not working pl help me


  • voltage indicator676.txt
    6.3 KB · Views: 225
'HEAD818A.ASM' seems to suggest that the .asm was originally for the 16F818A, but it is now being used for 16F676...

RC6 & RC7 aren't present on the '676 but are still there in the code...

What else is there that shouldn't be, or is not there and should be...
;    Voltage indicator, program solution
;    [COLOR="red"]HEAD818A.ASM[/COLOR] is altered to produce the program VOLTIND.ASM for the
;    Voltage Indicator Circuit.
;    VOLTIND.ASM.            This sets PORTA as analogue/digital
;                            INPUTs. PORTC is an OUTPUT.
;                            Internal oscillator of 31.25kHz chosen
;                            The OPTION register is set to /256 giving timing ;pulses 32.768ms.
;                            1second and 0.5 second delays are includedthe
;                         ubroutine section.
TMR0	EQU    1               ;means TMR0 is file 1.
STATUS  EQU    3               ;means STATUS is file 3.
PORTA   EQU    5               ;means PORTA is file 5. 
PORTC   EQU    7               ;means PORTC is file 6.
ZEROBIT EQU    2               ;means ZEROBIT is bit 2.
ADCON0  EQU    1FH             ;A/D Configuration reg.0
ADCON1  EQU    9FH             ;A/D Configuration reg.1
ADRES    EQU    1EH             ;A/D Result register.
CARRY    EQU    0               ;CARRY IS BIT 0.
TRISA    EQU    85H             ;PORTA Configuration Register
TRISC    EQU    87H             ;PORTC Configuration Register
OPTION_R EQU    81H             ;Option Register
OSCCON   EQU    8FH             ;Oscillator control register.
COUNT    EQU    20H             ;COUNT a register to count events
 ;Preprocessor Directives
     	[COLOR="red"]LIST P = PIC16F676[/COLOR]			;declares the chip to be used

	  [COLOR="red"]#INCLUDE "P16F676.INC"[/COLOR]		;Includes for resolving the 
        errorlevel      -302    ;Eliminate bank warning											;SFR locations of this particular chip
; Configuration Bits
	__config 0x31C4	
	;__config 0x3F10	;sets INTRC-A6 is port I/O, WDT off, PUT on,

                                       ;MCLR tied to VDD A5 is I/O
                                       ;BOD off, LVP disabled, EE protect disabled,
                                       ;Flash Program Write disabled,
                                       ;Background Debugger Mode disabled, CCP
                                       ;function on B2,
                                       ;Code Protection disabled.

             ORG 0 ;the start address in memory is 0
             GOTO START ;goto start!

            BSF     STATUS,5             ;Turns to Bank1.
            MOVLW   b'00011111'              ;5bits of PORTA reI/Pb'00010000'
            MOVWF   TRISA
            MOVLW   b'00000011'              ;A0, A1 are analogue
            MOVWF   ADCON1                   ;A2, A3 are digital I/P.
            MOVLW   b'00000000'
            MOVWF   TRISC                    ;PORTC is OUTPUT
            BCF     STATUS,5                 ;Return to Bank0.
            MOVLW   b'00000001'              ;Turns on A/D converter,
            MOVWF   ADCON0                   ;and selects channel AN0
            CLRF    PORTA                    ;Clears PortA.
            CLRF    PORTC                    ;Clears PORTC.
            MOVWF   0x19
            BSF     STATUS    , RP0
;Program starts now.
            BSF     ADCON0,2                ;Take Measurement.
WAIT        BTFSC   ADCON0,2              ;Wait until reading done.
            GOTO    WAIT
            MOVF    ADRES,W                     ;Move A/D Result into W
            CLRF    PORTC                       ;Clear PORTC.
            SUBLW   .26                         ;26-,W. W is altered
            BTFSC   STATUS,CARRY                ;Is W4 or 526
            GOTO    BEGIN                       ;W is 526 (0.5v)
            MOVF    ADRES,W                     ;Move A/D Result into W
            BSF     PORTC,0                     ;Turn on B0.
            SUBLW   .51                         ;51-,W. W is altered
            BTFSC   STATUS,CARRY                ;Is W4 or 551
            GOTO    BEGIN                       ;W is 551 (1.0v)
            MOVF    ADRES,W                     ;Move A/D Result into W
            BSF     PORTC,1                     ;Turn on B1.
            SUBLW   .77                         ;77-,W. W is altered
            BTFSC   STATUS,CARRY                ;Is W4 or 577
            GOTO    BEGIN                       ;W is 577 (1.5v)
            MOVF    ADRES,W                     ;Move A/D Result into W
            BSF     PORTC,2                     ;Turn on B2.
            SUBLW   .102                        ;102-,W. W is altered
            BTFSC   STATUS,CARRY                ;Is W4 or 5102
            GOTO    BEGIN                       ;W is 5102 (2.0v)
            MOVF    ADRES,W                     ;Move A/D Result into W
            BSF     PORTC,3                     ;Turn on B3.
            SUBLW    .128                       ;128-,W. W is altered
            BTFSC   STATUS,CARRY                ;Is W4 or 5128
            GOTO    BEGIN                       ;W is 5128 (2.5v)
            MOVF    ADRES,W                     ;Move A/D Result into W
            BSF     PORTC,4                     ;Turn on B4.
            SUBLW   .153                        ;153-,W. W is altered
            BTFSC   STATUS,CARRY                ;Is W4 or 5153
            GOTO    BEGIN                       ;W is 5153 (3.0v)
            MOVF    ADRES,W                     ;Move A/D Result into W
            BSF     PORTC,5                     ;Turn on B5.
            SUBLW   .179                        ;179-,W. W is altered
            BTFSC   STATUS,CARRY                ;Is W4 or 5179
            GOTO    BEGIN                       ;W is 5179 (3.5v)
            MOVF    ADRES,W                     ;Move A/D Result into W
            [COLOR="red"]BSF     PORTC,6                     ;Turn on B6.[/COLOR]
            SUBLW   .204                        ;204-,W. W is altered
            BTFSC   STATUS,CARRY                ;Is W4 or 5204
            GOTO    BEGIN                       ;W is 5204 (4.0v)
            [COLOR="red"]BSF     PORTC,7                     ;Turn on B7.[/COLOR]
            GOTO    BEGIN
not working. What is wrong with my code ??

The reason why it is not working, is because it is the exact same listing as you posted initially...with a few highlights.

Have you figured out why it is not working yet?

Anyway, this has been bugging me for a few days. Up until now, I have been mainly playing with blinking LED's and doing 'Knightrider' type projects for friends etc....not really getting into the deeper workings of PIC's, so I have this opportunity to do something bigger to thank you for.

To start with, you need to have the datasheet for the PIC the program was originally written for, along with the datasheet for the intended PIC you wish to use.

Be sure you have enough I/O and the same functions on the target PIC, as defined on the original.

Datasheets for both PIC's in this case:
16F818 - ww1.microchip.com/downloads/en/devicedoc/39598e.pdf
16F676 - ww1.microchip.com/downloads/en/devicedoc/40039c.pdf

16F818, used in the original example, has 18 pins in a DIP package.
16F676, used as the target, has 14 pins in a DIP package.

Looking at the configuration section for both PIC's shows a few differences when setting up the ADCON0 & ADCON1 registers, along with the use of ANSEL on the '676. I think bank selection also caused a bit of confusion.

After having more than a few head-scratching moments, reading datasheets, some more scratching & reading, the code below runs in Oshonsoft Sim (I have neither the '818 or '676, so I can't verify anything will work in real life)

Input is on RA2, output to 8 X LED's are on RC0:RC5 and RA4:RA5.

The clock frequency in the original example is ignored and just uses the '676 internal 4Mhz oscillator.

The rest is up to you:

;    Voltage indicator, program solution.
;    HEAD818A.ASM is altered to produce the program VOLTIND.ASM for the
;    Voltage Indicator Circuit. (For 16F676)
;    VOLTIND.ASM.            
ZEROBIT	EQU	2			;ZEROBIT is bit 2.
ADRES	EQU	1EH			;A/D Result register.
CARRY	EQU	0			;CARRY is bit 0.

;Preprocessor Directives
	LIST P = PIC16F676		;Declares the chip to be used
	#INCLUDE "P16F676.INC"		;Includes for resolving the
					;SFR locations of the particular chip
	errorlevel	-302		;Eliminate bank select warning messages								

; Configuration Bits
	__config 0x31C4			;See datasheet for breakdown.

	ORG 0				;the start address in memory is 0
	GOTO Main			;goto OSCCAL calibration

; Internal oscillator calibration section

	bsf     STATUS,RP0		;set file register bank to 1 
	call    3FFh			;retrieve factory calibration value
	movwf   OSCCAL			;update register with factory cal value 
	bcf     STATUS,RP0		;set file register bank to 0
	GOTO START			;goto start!

	BSF	STATUS,RP0		;Turns to Bank1.
	MOVLW	b'00000100'		;VDD as ref, AN2 as analogue input,
	MOVWF	ANSEL			;A2D function turned on.
	MOVLW	b'00000100'		;RA2 (AN2) as input, rest
	MOVWF	TRISA			;are outputs.
	MOVLW	b'00000000'		;All of PORTC are outputs	
  	MOVLW	b'00000000'		;Bits 6:4 select Fosc clock
        BCF     STATUS,RP0		;Return to Bank0.
	MOVLW   b'00001001'		;Turns on A/D converter,
        MOVWF   ADCON0			;selecting channel AN2 as input.
					;RA0 (AN0) & RA1 (AN1) left clear,
					;for ICSP connections.

;Program starts now.
BEGIN	BSF     ADCON0,1		;Take Measurement.
WAIT	BTFSC   ADCON0,1		;Wait until reading done.
	GOTO    WAIT			;
	MOVF    ADRES,W			;Move A/D Result into W
	CLRF    PORTC			;Clear PORTC.
	SUBLW   .26			;26-,W. W is altered
	BTFSC   STATUS,CARRY		;Is W4 or 526
	GOTO    BEGIN			;W is 526 (0.5v)
	MOVF    ADRES,W			;Move A/D Result into W
	BSF     PORTC,0			;Turn on RC0.
	SUBLW   .51			;51-,W. W is altered
	BTFSC   STATUS,CARRY		;Is W4 or 551
	GOTO    BEGIN			;W is 551 (1.0v)
	MOVF    ADRES,W			;Move A/D Result into W
	BSF     PORTC,1			;Turn on RC1.
	SUBLW   .77			;77-,W. W is altered
	BTFSC   STATUS,CARRY		;Is W4 or 577
	GOTO    BEGIN			;W is 577 (1.5v)
	MOVF    ADRES,W			;Move A/D Result into W
	BSF     PORTC,2			;Turn on RC2.
	SUBLW   .102			;102-,W. W is altered
	BTFSC   STATUS,CARRY		;Is W4 or 5102
	GOTO    BEGIN			;W is 5102 (2.0v)
	MOVF    ADRES,W			;Move A/D Result into W
	BSF     PORTC,3			;Turn on RC3.
	SUBLW    .128			;128-,W. W is altered
	BTFSC   STATUS,CARRY		;Is W4 or 5128
	GOTO    BEGIN			;W is 5128 (2.5v)
	MOVF    ADRES,W			;Move A/D Result into W
	BSF     PORTC,4			;Turn on RC4.
	SUBLW   .153			;153-,W. W is altered
	BTFSC   STATUS,CARRY		;Is W4 or 5153
	GOTO    BEGIN			;W is 5153 (3.0v)
	MOVF    ADRES,W			;Move A/D Result into W
	BSF     PORTC,5			;Turn on RC5.
	SUBLW   .179			;179-,W. W is altered
	BTFSC   STATUS,CARRY		;Is W4 or 5179
	GOTO    BEGIN			;W is 5179 (3.5v)
	MOVF    ADRES,W			;Move A/D Result into W
	BSF     PORTA,4			;Turn on RA4.
	SUBLW   .204			;204-,W. W is altered
	BTFSC   STATUS,CARRY		;Is W4 or 5204
	GOTO    BEGIN			;W is 5204 (4.0v)
	BSF     PORTA,5			;Turn on RA5.
	GOTO    BEGIN			;

Hope this is something like what you were looking for.....please let us know if it works out for you.


thanks for repply .i will try it.
it not worked. pl help me

Why/how has it not worked?


Did you try the code in a simulator, or in a real circuit?
Did you read the part below?

	bsf     STATUS,RP0		;set file register bank to 1 
	call    3FFh			;retrieve factory calibration value
	movwf   OSCCAL			;update register with factory cal value 
	bcf     STATUS,RP0		;set file register bank to 0
	GOTO START			;goto start![/I]

The code posted previously, runs in Oshonsoft Sim when the OSCCAL retrieval routine is commented out, like this:

;	bsf     STATUS,RP0		;set file register bank to 1 
;	call    3FFh			;retrieve factory calibration value
;	movwf   OSCCAL			;update register with factory cal value 
;	bcf     STATUS,RP0		;set file register bank to 0
	GOTO START			;goto start!

I said there was still some work to be done, to make the program work as intended.....have YOU done any of the work required???

Tell us WHY it is not working for you.............crying for help without saying WHY you need to be helped is not going to get this project finished.
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