Voltage Protection

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I am new to the electronics world and have a question.

I am designing a circuit that has a sensor and bluetooth transmitter. The sensor outputs voltages from 0-4.5V. The transmitter cannot have input voltages higher than 5V. Thus, I want to add something into my circuit such that voltages of 0-5V pass through, but voltages higher than 5V are limited to 5V. This will protect my transmitter from voltage spikes.

Can anyone tell me how to do this? Diode? Zener diode? something else?

Thanks in advance for your help!
The normal way of doing this is to connect diodes between the input and the power supply and put the input in series with a high value resistor.

If it's very sensitive, you'll probably need to use Schottky diodes.

I'll post a schematic if you're not sure.
An example schematic would be great!

Also, I am not sure how to select the appropriate resistors or diodes...

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