If I have a Voltage source 24V 500mA and have a couple of resistors in series connected to a Load, should I use the current from the Voltage Source to do calculations or should I use I=V/R formula to get the current flowing? Which is the rule of the thumb here? I am novice to practical electronics. Please help
The voltage at the end of your 2 resistors will be 24V until you put a load on them (I assume your load is to 0V). Then, the current flowing will be 24/(R1+R2+Rload). The voltage across your load will then be this current multiplied by Rload.
This is a poor method of regulating voltage though, because if your load changes the voltage across it changes.
But why do they give rating on the Stepdown transoformer as 24V 500mA?
what does this current rating mean at all, if we are to calculate the Current using V/R?
your transformer is capable to deliver 500mA, thats the meaning of the curent rating. the voltage is the one you should use to do your calculation. but make sure final I (=V/Rtotal) doesnt exceed 500mA.
when your load is less ie more resistance then your load current will be less.
there are current sources (what you have is a voltage source) when you use a current source regardless of your load it will push the set current through your load (within the limit).