Voltage intensifier circuit
I have a question for you guys. I am new here but need help in a controll circuit. I need a dc circuit that starts with 12vdc, I want to step it up to 1000vdc, with less than 10 amps. Is this possible at all? I would like it to be a variable system from 12 -1000 vdc. This is for an automobile Hydrogen system, so it would need to be as small as possible. I can take a regular 12vdc alternator and remove the regulator I get 10 amps 100volts, Not enuff to get enuff hydrogen to operate what the engine needs . It helps in fuel savings but not where I need it to be. It will also needs a pulsing circuit from 0-10 khz varible to tape the resonance of tape water. It would be best if this were a step up voltage circuit. Like 600-700-800-900-1000. Or any varible in the range specified. Like 400-500-600-700-800-. Am I just dreaming or is any range of high voltage possible withoutr the amp? Can I put a choke in the line to knock the amperage out?